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[Industry News]: Order growth is forcing production capacity to increase, and Sichuan Tire and Rubber Company accelerates its capacity expansion

March 8, 2024, 8:44 AM

Recently, Sichuan-based Tire Rubber (Group) Co., Ltd. is ushering in a production boom. In the company's tire production workshop, machinery roared and the production rhythm was compact and orderly. Tires were successfully formed after a strict thermal extrusion process and were rolled off the production line one after another.

According to Guo Jianyong, deputy general manager of the company, since the beginning of the year, market demand has continued to be strong, and the company's production line has been operating at full capacity. In particular, export market demand accounted for as high as 74.24%, and export order demand in the first quarter increased by an astonishing nearly 241% year-on-year. This significant growth is mainly due to the company's important breakthroughs in orders in Brazil, Canada, the Middle East and other countries and regions. It has also recently successfully developed new customers in Mexico and has launched an order delivery of US$600,000 in the first quarter.

Faced with such a gratifying order growth trend, Sichuan Tire and Rubber (Group) Co., Ltd. actively adjusted its production strategy, closely linked production and sales, and implemented a centralized production model. The company strictly conducts centralized production in accordance with order requirements, and strictly controls production specifications and variety quantities to reduce production specification switching, thereby effectively improving production efficiency.