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[Industry News]: China resolutely defends the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies

August 21, 2024, 9:42 AM

#China resolutely defends the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies #[Spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce answers reporters 'questions on the disclosure of the final ruling of the EU's countervailing investigation on electric vehicles against China] Spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce answers reporters' questions on the disclosure of the final ruling of the EU's countervailing investigation on electric vehicles against China.

Q: On August 20, the European Commission conducted a final ruling on a countervailing investigation into electric vehicles against China. What is China's comment on this?

A: China has repeatedly pointed out that the EU's countervailing investigation on electric vehicles in China has concluded that its practices in all aspects of the investigation violate the principles of "objectivity, fairness, non-discrimination, and transparency" it has promised and are not in compliance with WTO rules. It is the practice of "unfair competition" in the name of "fair competition."

During the investigation of this case, the Chinese government and the Chinese industry provided tens of thousands of pages of legal documents and evidence materials through various means such as submitting answers, written comments, and hearing statements to comprehensively and deeply defend the EU's unreasonable and non-compliance practices, and pointed out that the EU's restrictions on China's electric vehicles will disrupt the stability of the global automobile industry and supply chains, including the EU, and harm the interests of EU consumers. Destroy the overall situation of the EU's own green transformation and global cooperation on climate change.

The final ruling disclosure announced by the European side this time did not fully incorporate China's opinions. It still persisted in the wrong approach and imposed high tax rates. It also used sampling to treat different types of Chinese enterprises differently, distorting the investigation results. The final ruling disclosure is based on the "facts" unilaterally determined by the European side rather than facts jointly recognized by both parties. China firmly opposes and is highly concerned about this.

Since the end of June, China and the EU have conducted more than ten rounds of technical consultations on this case based on facts and rules. China has always been committed to properly handling trade disputes with the European side through dialogue and consultation with the greatest sincerity. It hopes that the European side will actually move towards China, accelerate the exploration of appropriate solutions in a rational and pragmatic manner, and use practical actions to avoid trade frictions. Escalation. China will take all necessary measures to
#Resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies #。(Ministry of Commerce)