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[Ethylene glycol] Jilin Petrochemical Ethylene glycol Price Trends
September 27, 2023
[Ethylene Glycol] Sinopec North China Ethylene Glycol Price Trends
September 27, 2023
The pigs are depressed and the losses of broilers are increasing: the profit per pig breeding is 16 yuan, the loss per chicken is 2.12 yuan, and the profit per laying hen is 68 yuan
On September 25, the National Development and Reform Commission announced an analysis of the weekly prices of live pigs, broilers and laying hens in the last week of September: the average profit of pig breeding was 16.06 yuan; the loss of broiler breeding increased by 2.12 yuan per animal; and the profit of laying hens remained high, at 68.28 yuan per animal.
September 27, 2023
[Ethylene Glycol] Sinopec South China Ethylene Glycol Price Trends
ethylene glycol value
September 27, 2023
[Ethylene Glycol] Sinopec East China Ethylene Glycol Price Trends
September 27, 2023
[Slice] Polyester chip market dynamics in East China
Polyester chip market
September 27, 2023
Corn and soybean meal fell by more than 200 yuan/ton! The oil plant has shut down a large area!丨 Haida Feed increased by a maximum of 200 yuan/ton on September 20
With the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day approaching, companies have entered the stocking stage. On the eve of the Double Festival, raw material prices were unexpectedly lowered. Shandong corn fell by more than 100 yuan/ton, and soybean meal prices have been lowered by more than 200 yuan/ton compared with the end of August.
September 27, 2023
The latest progress of "plastic ban" legislation in Henan Province
Latest legislative developments
Source: Degradable Recycling Center
September 27, 2023
[Slice] Hengyi Petrochemical polyester slices September settlement price announced
polyester chip
September 27, 2023
Shandong Hengxin Group held a press conference for new BDO and other projects
Hold a press conference for other projects
Source: BDO AD
September 27, 2023