[Natural Rubber]: Rubber Weekly Review (August 10)

August 10, 2023, 4:23 PM

Figure 1: Shandong market price of STR20 MIX                                      图2:浙江市场泰国进口普通散装价格 

dry rubber

Rubber prices have been rising in a narrow range this week, and there are signs of rising at the end of the week. The main reason is that weather disturbances in some production areas are relatively obvious this week. Raw material prices have been affected by them and have shown an upward trend. Cost support is strong. Recently, downstream tire factories have started construction. Most of the start-up operations have returned to normal levels. Regular shipments of enterprises are the main ones. Moreover, there is no pressure on enterprises 'inventories, and short-term start-up will continue, which will form a short-term positive support for prices.

natural latex

Natural latex prices have risen within a narrow range this week. Recently, there has been a temporary shortage of imported spot goods at ports, which has helped ease traders 'continued bearish sentiment to a certain extent. On the other hand, increased rainfall in some producing areas has supported the rise in raw material costs, which in turn has led to signs of higher external prices in the US dollar, further stimulating a bullish trend in spot prices. However, real downstream demand still needs to be improved, and the trading rhythm is still weak, which has restrained the room for spot growth to a certain extent.

Market outlook forecast:



