[Natural Rubber]: Monthly Rubber Review (August 2023)

August 30, 2023, 4:20 PM

dry rubber

In August, the overall natural rubber spot market in China fluctuated within a narrow range and tended to rise. The national index was released at the beginning of the month, and the macro sentiment was improving. The news of Tianjiao dumping slightly interfered with the market sentiment, and the news of purchasing and purchasing still remained disturbed, bringing bottom support to rubber prices. On the supply side, in the past month, China's major production areas have experienced recent disturbances in phenological conditions such as weather. The output of raw materials has been limited. The pressure on the supply side has not yet been highlighted. In the short term, raw materials still provide support for the price side. China's Tianjiao dark rubber stocks continue to be removed from the warehouse, the pressure on the supply side has been slightly reduced, downstream tires have been steadily scheduled, and goods have been shipped on a regular basis, supporting a slight upward trend in rubber prices.

natural latex

In August, the market price of natural latex in China rose significantly. In early August, the spot price in the concentrated milk market was relatively stable and did not show significant fluctuations. However, after entering mid-August, the spot price of concentrated milk increased significantly. Thailand's glue prices have been continuously increased, and the spot supply in the sales area is relatively tight, which has supported the increase in the US dollar offer price to a certain extent. Higher costs have a strong stimulus to spot prices. Traders are reluctant to sell, and the main price increases are price increases. In addition, some product companies are stocking up. The sentiment has improved, demand has warmed up in the short term, and the trading atmosphere in the natural latex market has improved, which in turn drives up spot prices

Market outlook forecast:

In January and September, global natural rubber production will usher in a new wave of increase, and the pressure on raw material supply will become more and more obvious;

2. Downstream starts in September may remain high;

In March and September, Qingdao's inventory continued the trend of being removed from the warehouse, and social inventory pressure declined.

4. Pay attention to China's macro policies and news trends.