[Natural Rubber]: Rubber Weekly Review (September 7)

September 7, 2023, 4:09 PM

Figure 1: Shandong market price of STR20 MIX                                      Figure 2: Zhejiang market price of ordinary bulk imported from Thailand 

dry rubber

Natural rubber market prices rose significantly this week. Short-term rainfall has affected the development of rubber tapping work, and the output of raw materials has been limited. The downstream may usher in a traditional peak season in late September, and demand will improve month-on-month. Coupled with the recent introduction of automobile boost policies by China's frequent police, it is expected to increase China's demand for self-packaging and replacement of automobiles. Recently, the supply of standard rubber and mixed rubber to Hong Kong has remained low. The inventory of natural rubber in Qingdao Port has continued to be removed slightly. The decline in inventory has stimulated the spot price of Thai mixed rubber to rise strongly.

natural latex

This week, China's concentrated milk offer has been slightly revised back. From the cost side, the impact of rainfall and weather still exists, and there is still strong support on the cost side. However, the actual transactions in the spot market are mostly dominated by downstream buying and not buying. The actual downstream demand is still relatively weak. The combined port's spot supply has improved in the early stage, and spot circulation in the market has increased. However, as the actual purchasing sentiment has declined, the actual transactions have become tired, and the prices of port cargo holders have been lowered one after another to stimulate consumption.

Market outlook forecast:



