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[Natural Rubber]: Rubber Weekly Review (September 14)

September 14, 2023, 4:36 PM

Figure 1: Shandong market price of STR20 MIX                                      Figure 2: Zhejiang market price of ordinary bulk imported from Thailand 

dry rubber

Natural rubber market prices fell within a narrow range this week. Recent rainfall of varying degrees in various production areas has had a certain impact on rubber cutting work. The narrow rise in raw material prices has provided support for the cost side. Rubber prices have remained high in the short term, but buying sentiment has gradually weakened, making it difficult to drag rubber prices. Continue upward space. China's ports and port inventories and social inventories have been slightly de-stocked, but downstream factories have intensified their rallies, and their willingness to replenish stocks has remained just in demand, making it difficult to boost rubber prices. Overall, the bullish news in the natural rubber market has begun to be digested one after another. In the short term, rubber prices have been slightly weak, with wide fluctuations dominant.

natural latex

This week, China's concentrated milk offer maintained a narrow correction trend. From the cost side, impacts such as rainfall and weather still exist, and there is still strong support on the cost side. However, actual downstream demand has not improved significantly. Most of them are tentative replenishment. Spot and spot circulation at the port has improved, while actual transactions are relatively limited, which has dragged on the spot price of the port.

Market outlook forecast:



