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Tu Duoduo Caustic Caustic Acid Industry Weekly-No. 20231026

October 26, 2023, 4:05 PM
1. Analysis of the caustic soda market this week 2
1. Spot market overview 2
(1) Analysis of liquid soda market 2
(2) Analysis of the caustic soda market 2
2. Futures market analysis 3
(1) Analysis of futures trend 3
(2) Comparison of high and low prices in caustic soda contracts during the week Table 3
3. Market price of caustic soda this week 3
4. China's caustic soda price index 4
2. Equipment changes and operating rate statistics of caustic soda production enterprises this week 5
1. List of equipment in caustic soda production enterprises 5
2. Statistics on the operating rate of caustic soda enterprises within the week 5
3. Forecast for the market outlook of caustic soda 5
4. Analysis of upstream and downstream products 6
1. Analysis of the raw salt market this week 6
2. Comparison of spot prices of alumina this week 6
5. Liquid chlorine market analysis this week 6
1. Spot market analysis 6
2. Price comparison this week 7
3. Liquid chlorine price index 7
6. List of positions 8