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"Methane Emission Control Action Plan" issued

Source: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
November 9, 2023, 10:17 AM
Action Plan for methane Emission Control & nbsp
In order to implement the 14th five-year Plan of the people's Republic of China for National Economic and Social Development and the outline of the long-term objectives for 2035, and the opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept and do a good job of carbon neutralization, implement the national strategy to actively deal with climate change, strengthen the coordination of air pollution prevention and methane emission control, and control methane emissions scientifically, rationally and orderly. Develop this plan of action.
I. facing the situation
Methane is the second largest greenhouse gas in the world, which has the characteristics of high warming potential and short life. The active, steady and orderly control of methane emissions has the climate benefit of slowing down the global temperature rise, the economic benefit of energy resource utilization, the environmental benefit of coordinated control of pollutants and the safety benefit of reducing production accidents. In recent years, China has made some achievements in methane resource utilization, but methane emission control is still faced with some problems, such as weak statistical monitoring basis, incomplete system of regulations and standards, and technical and management capabilities need to be improved urgently. It is necessary to take more effective measures to enhance the basic capacity of methane emission statistical accounting, monitoring and supervision, and to promote methane emission control in an all-round and orderly manner. Actively participate in the global governance of climate change.
II. General requirements
(1) guiding ideology.
Under the guidance of's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we should fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, thoroughly implement's thought of ecological civilization, implement the arrangements of the National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection, adhere to the coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, unswervingly implement the national strategy to actively deal with climate change, adhere to the systematic concept, and properly handle the relationship between emission reduction, development and security. Taking the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development as the guide, tamping the basic capacity as the key, and by means of efficient utilization, technological innovation and collaborative control, we will speed up the formation of a methane emission supervision system and promote the coordination of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. effectively, orderly and effectively control methane emissions.
(2) working principles.
Adhere to overall planning and coordination. Adhere to the systematic concept, strengthen resource utilization and source control, and strengthen the coordinated treatment of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Overall planning, multi-measures, multi-governance, to create a new situation of comprehensive control of methane emissions.
Persist in laying a solid foundation. Relying on the construction of laws and regulations, guided by technological innovation and application, and guaranteed by capacity-building such as statistical accounting, monitoring and supervision, we will consolidate the foundation for methane emission control.
Adhere to the classification of policies. Follow the scientific law of methane emission management, take into account the characteristics and differences of different fields and different regions, implement classified policies, pilot exploration, and promote methane emission control in a down-to-earth manner.
Keep it safe and orderly. Fully consider the actual capabilities of the relevant industries, reasonably set work objectives and tasks, scientifically identify the key points and difficulties of the work, adhere to the pace of work step by step, easy before difficult, and promote effectively, in a strong, orderly and effective manner.
Persist in guarding against risks. Strengthen risk awareness, adhere to bottom line thinking, proceed from the reality of national conditions, properly handle the relationship between methane emission control and energy security, food security, industrial chain supply chain security and production safety, and prevent and resolve all kinds of major risks.
(3) main objectives.
During the 14th five-year Plan period, the methane emission control policy, technology and standard system were gradually established, the basic capabilities such as methane emission statistical accounting, monitoring and supervision were effectively improved, and positive progress was made in methane resource utilization and emission control. The methane emission intensity of agricultural products from planting and aquaculture units decreased steadily, and the resource utilization rate of municipal solid waste and the harmless disposal rate of municipal sludge continued to increase.
During the 15th five-year Plan period, the methane emission control policy, technology and standard system were further improved, the basic capabilities such as methane emission statistical accounting, monitoring and supervision were significantly improved, and the methane emission control capability and management level were effectively improved. The level of gas utilization in coal mines has been further improved, and the methane emission intensity of agricultural products from planting and aquaculture units has been further reduced. Since then, the oil and gas exploitation industry has strived to gradually realize zero conventional torch for onshore oil and gas exploitation.
III. Key tasks
(1) to strengthen the construction of methane emission monitoring, accounting, reporting and verification system.
1. Strengthen methane emission monitoring. We will explore the pilot project of methane emission monitoring and popularize methane emission source monitoring in key areas. According to the characteristics of methane emission in China, methane concentration monitoring is carried out under the existing eco-environmental monitoring system, and an integrated methane monitoring system such as ground monitoring, UAV and satellite remote sensing is gradually established.
two。 To study and establish a methane emission accounting, reporting and verification system. We will study and promote the establishment of a methane emission accounting and reporting system for enterprises in key industries, and promote regular reporting of methane emission data from large emission sources such as coal mines, oil and gas fields, aquaculture farms, landfills and sewage treatment plants. Combined with the compilation of national and provincial greenhouse gas inventories, we will gradually realize the normalized accounting of methane emissions. Organize and carry out data verification, spot check and on-site inspection to steadily improve the quality of methane emission data.
3. Improve the level of information management of methane emission data. We will promote the construction of an integrated management system for greenhouse gas emission data, strengthen the integration of methane emission data collection, analysis and utilization information, and promote cross-departmental data sharing. To explore and carry out research on the inversion emission model of atmospheric methane concentration, and strengthen the check of the inversion data to the accounting data.
(2) to promote the control of methane emissions in the energy field.
4. Strengthen the comprehensive utilization of methane. Promote the control and control of methane emissions from oil and gas fields, and encourage enterprises to carry out associated gas and air recovery and utilization according to local conditions. Those that cannot be recovered or are difficult to recover should be emptied after combustion. Encourage and guide coal enterprises to increase gas extraction and utilization in coal mines. By 2025, the annual utilization of coal mine gas will reach 6 billion cubic meters, and by 2030, the gas collection rate of associated gas in the oil field will reach the international advanced level.
5. Popularize the application of leak detection and repair technology. We will explore and gradually improve the technical specification system for leak detection and repair in the oil and gas field, and promote the normal application of leak detection and repair in the whole industry chain. Strengthen the research and application of advanced pipeline maintenance technology and equipment to effectively improve the ability of methane leakage control.
6. Promote the gradual reduction of conventional torches in oil and gas systems. Optimize the construction and management of oil and gas field surface projects and reduce the amount of natural gas combustion in the torch system. Scientific planning and design of new oil and gas operation projects, on the basis of ensuring production safety, efforts should be made to gradually reduce the discharge of conventional torches.
(3) to promote the control of methane emissions in agriculture.
7. We will promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure. Focusing on large-scale livestock and poultry farms, we should improve the facilities and equipment for the storage and treatment of livestock and poultry manure, popularize the technologies of closed treatment of manure, collection and utilization of gas, establish a ledger for the utilization of manure resources, and explore the implementation of nutrient balance management of livestock and poultry manure. Improve the level of livestock and poultry manure treatment and resource utilization. Develop rural biogas according to local conditions, encourage the construction of large-scale biogas / biogas projects in areas with conditions, and explore biogas / biogas. Biogas terminals make use of incentive and restraint mechanisms to promote applications such as biogas central gas heating, power generation and grid, and biogas for vehicle use or integration into gas networks. The comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure will reach more than 80% by 2025 and more than 85% by 2030.
8. Scientifically control methane emissions from intestinal fermentation. Focus on large-scale livestock and poultry farms, breeding and promotion of high-yield and low-emission livestock and poultry breeds, promotion of low-protein diet, whole-plant silage and other technologies, rational use of feed additives based on plant extracts, probiotics and multi-functional nutrition licking bricks, improve the feeding and management of livestock and poultry, implement precision feeding, explore the technical model of high yield and low emission, and guide the reduction of intestinal methane emission per unit of livestock products.
9. We will promote the control of methane emissions from rice fields in an orderly manner. Focus on the main rice producing areas, strengthen water management in paddy fields, popularize water-saving irrigation techniques in paddy fields according to local conditions, shorten the time of anaerobic environment in paddy fields, and reduce methane production and emission per unit of rice. We will improve the management of fertilization in rice fields and popularize the return of organic fertilizers to the fields. Breeding and popularizing high-yield, high-quality, water-saving and drought-resistant rice varieties, demonstrating aerobic tillage and other key technologies to form a rice planting model with high yield and low emission.
(4) to strengthen the control of methane emissions from garbage and sewage treatment.
10. We will promote the control of methane emissions from waste disposal. We will promote the source reduction, classified recovery and resource utilization of municipal solid waste, and improve the resource utilization system of municipal solid waste. We will promote the construction of kitchen waste disposal facilities in an orderly manner. Strengthen the comprehensive treatment of municipal solid waste landfills and improve the level of landfill gas recovery and utilization. By 2025, the resource utilization rate of municipal solid waste will reach about 60%.
11. Strengthen the collection and utilization of methane in the field of sewage treatment. Comprehensively improve the efficiency of urban domestic sewage collection and treatment, and steadily improve the level of harmless and resource utilization of sludge. Encourage conditional sewage treatment projects, use sludge anaerobic digestion and other methods to produce biogas and strengthen recycling. By 2025, the harmless disposal rate of municipal sludge will reach more than 90%.
(5) strengthen the coordinated control of pollutants and methane.
twelve。 Strengthen the coordinated control measures of pollutants and methane. We should make full use of the existing eco-environmental laws, regulations, standards and policies to build a governance system that integrates pollutant reduction and methane emission control. Strengthen the coordinated control of volatile organic compounds and methane, and properly dispose of the flammable gases containing methane produced by industrial production. Promote the coordinated control of odor pollutants and methane in landfills. Industries with high organic content and good biodegradability of wastewater are encouraged to negotiate the concentration of water pollutants with urban sewage treatment plants in accordance with the law so as to reduce the production of methane. Promote the technical upgrading of the power system of motor vehicles and ships, and realize the coordinated control of pollutants and methane. To In 2025, the ability of coordinated control of pollution control and methane emissions will be significantly improved.
13. Optimize the technical route of collaborative governance. Develop technical guidelines for collaborative control of pollutants and methane in key areas. We will promote the use of integrated control technologies such as hydrocarbon steam recovery and utilization, closed operation transformation, and safe oxidation and combustion in the field of oil and gas exploitation. Popularize the technology of solid-liquid separation, qualitative treatment and deep application of manure from livestock and poultry breeding. Promote the use of high-concentration organic industrial wastewater high-efficiency methane production technology and supporting high-efficiency treatment technology.
(6) strengthen the supervision of technological innovation and methane emission control.
14. We will strengthen key technological innovation. Strengthen the research on the characteristics of methane emissions in different fields, continue to carry out research and development and innovation of key technologies such as resource utilization, high-yield and low-emission breeding, and monitoring, and strengthen the construction of demonstration projects for methane emission control technologies. Methane emission control-related technologies should be included in the national catalogue of low-carbon technologies, and the integration and industrialization of methane emission control equipment and technologies in key areas should be accelerated. Deploy and build a number of national key R & D and innovation projects and major projects.
15. Strengthen the supervision and control of methane emissions. We will fully implement standards such as coal mine gas emission limits, pollution control of domestic waste landfills, and pollutant discharge from urban sewage treatment plants, strengthen the supervision of methane emission data quality, and explore the use of satellite remote sensing and other technologies to carry out abnormal methane emission supervision. We will ensure funding for methane emission supervision and continue to improve professional supervision capacity.
(7) to speed up the construction of a policy system of laws and regulations and standards.
16. We will strengthen the construction of laws and regulations. Improve the rules and regulations for methane emission control. Timely promote the revision of laws and standards related to coal mine safety. To study and promulgate relevant laws and regulations on source reduction and efficient resource utilization of organic waste.
17. Establish and improve the system of technical standards. Timely and further improve the methane emission standards for gas, oil and gas methane leakage in coal mines, and strictly control methane emissions. To formulate technical specifications for methane emission control of rice, livestock and poultry breeding and waste resource utilization. Formulate and revise the technical standards for monitoring, accounting, reporting and verification of methane emissions, improve the accounting methods for greenhouse gas emission reduction in methane utilization projects, and update the default emission factors in a timely manner.
18. Innovate and improve economic incentive policies. We will promote projects with methane emission reduction benefits to be incorporated into the eco-environment-oriented development project library. To explore and study the rewards and compensation policies for methane emission reduction in the main producing areas of ruminant breeding and rice cultivation. We will improve the trading mechanism for voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction, and support qualified methane utilization and emission reduction projects to carry out voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading. We will encourage climate investment and financing for methane emission control projects.
(8) strengthen global methane governance and cooperation.
19. Actively participate in global methane governance. Adhere to multilateralism, follow the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, equity and respective capabilities, and actively and constructively participate in global methane governance.
20. Carry out global methane exchange and cooperation. We will jointly promote global methane exchanges and cooperation through platforms such as South-South cooperation on climate change and the Belt and Road Initiative International Alliance for Green Development. Participate in dialogue and cooperation related to low methane emission technology, equipment and product certification standards.
IV. Organizing and implementing
(1) to strengthen overall planning and coordination. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, establish a working mechanism for coordination and cooperation, organize the implementation of the methane emission control action plan, and coordinate and solve the major problems encountered in the implementation. We should give full play to the role of social organizations such as trade associations and urge enterprises to consciously fulfill their social responsibilities.
(2) strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. Relevant departments and key industries and enterprises in all regions should fully understand the importance of methane emission control, carry out methane emission control in a safe and orderly manner, clarify the division of tasks, and ensure that key measures are effective.
(3) strengthen publicity and training. Popularize the knowledge related to the preparation of methane emission inventory and carry out training on the establishment of methane emission monitoring, accounting, reporting and verification system, as well as pollutant and methane control. Guide enterprises, institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions to carry out industry-university-research cooperation and train a number of technical personnel in energy, agriculture and waste methane emission control. Strengthen publicity on the climate, economic, environmental and safety benefits of methane emission control. To publicize typical experiences and practices in methane emission control.
(4) improve evaluation and supervision. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with relevant departments, will strengthen the tracking and dispatching analysis of the implementation of the action plan, and regularly schedule the progress of the task of implementing methane emission control targets. Source: Ministry of Ecological Environment