2023-2024 China's ethanol industry annual report

2023-11-20 16:27:18

2023-2024 China's ethanol industry annual report
2023-2024 China's ethanol industry annual report 1
Chapter 1 Overview of China's ethanol industry 3
1.1 The concept of ethanol 3
1.2 Preparation method of ethanol 3
1.3 Main uses of ethanol 3
1.4 China's ethanol industry chain Figure 4
1.5 Ethanol downstream market consumption structure accounts for 5%
Chapter 2 Analysis of China's Ethanol Market 5
2.1 Summary of China's ethanol market in 2022 5
2.2 Analysis of cost and gross profit of China's ethanol industry 7
2.3 The average monthly price of ethanol markets in various regions in 2022 will be 11
2.4 Analysis of China's ethanol production capacity from 2019 to 2023 11
2.5 Production status of major ethanol producers in China 14
2.6 Analysis of China's ethanol production from 2019 to 2023 14
Chapter 3 Analysis of Consumption and Changing Trend of China's Ethanol Industry 17
3.3 Analysis of consumption and change trends in China's ethanol industry in 2023 17
3.3.1 Trend analysis of China's ethanol consumption 17
3.3.2 Regional consumption structure in 2023 18
3.3.3 Analysis of the operating trends of China's major downstream ethanol consumption industries 18
3.3.4 Analysis of low and peak seasons of consumption in major downstream industries 19
3.3.6 Proportion of downstream consumption 19
Chapter 4 Analysis of China's Ethanol Import and Export 21
4.1 Analysis of China's modified ethanol imports in 2022 21
4.2 Analysis of China's modified ethanol exports in 2022 22
4.3 Analysis of China's Unmodified Ethanol Imports in 2023
4.4 Analysis of China's Unmodified Ethanol Export Volume in 2023 25
Chapter 5 Market Analysis and Future Outlook Forecast of Ethanol Upstream Products 27
5.1 Forecast for the future outlook of raw material costs in 2024 27
5.2 Statistics on China's ethanol production capacity planned to be built/withdrawn 28
Chapter 6 Forecast for China's Ethanol Market in 2024 29
Chapter 7 Summary of major ethanol industry events in 2023 29