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[Industry News]: Zhejiang Chuanhua's 120,000-ton rare earth butadiene rubber project is expected to be put into operation in June

February 28, 2024, 9:02 AM
In Chuanhua, Zhejiang, a major project is in full swing to promote the medium-120,000 tons of rare earth cis-1,000-ton rubber project. Giant cranes on site are busy lifting the core components of the project, indicating that the construction of the project has entered a critical stage. Wang Changyin, general manager of the company, excitedly revealed that the entire project is expected to be officially put into operation in June this year. After being put into production, Chuanhua will have a systematic, differentiated and large-scale production capacity of flexible rare earth cis-1,000 tons per year, which will allow the company to occupy a favorable position in global supply chain competition.