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[Industry News]: A major breakthrough has been made in the localization of natural rubber for aviation tires

March 1, 2024, 8:52 AM

Recently, the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences announced a major breakthrough: the natural rubber for aviation tires independently developed by the institute has successfully trial-produced 24 aircraft tires suitable for C919, ARJ21 and other models, and successfully passed dynamic performance test verification.

Researcher Zeng Rizhong from the Rubber Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences gave a detailed introduction to the efforts behind this achievement. He said that in order to break the foreign monopoly on natural rubber specially used for aviation tires, the Rubber Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences has joined forces with a number of units, including universities, scientific research institutes and leading enterprises in the fields of natural rubber production, processing and application, to carry out a coordinated research on the entire industrial chain. By carefully cultivating a new variety of rubber tree "Reyan 73397" as a planting material for special rubber for aviation tires, and formulating relevant agricultural industry standards and enterprise standards, a stable and high-quality supply of special rubber for aviation tires has been ensured.