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[Industry News]: India's rubber import tariff deadlock: Government protects farmers, industry associations seek breakthrough

March 13, 2024, 8:58 AM

Recently, the Indian rubber industry lobby organization called on the government to reduce rubber import tariffs from the current 25% to 15%. However, the Indian government said that it has no such plan and aims to protect the interests of Chinese rubber growers.

The All India Rubber Industry Association (AIRIA), as a representative of the Indian rubber industry, emphasized that China's output cannot meet market demand and must therefore rely on imports. They pointed out that the current high tariffs and inverted tax rate structure between raw materials and finished products have placed a heavy burden on China's small and medium-sized enterprises. Shashi Singh, president of AIRIA, said: "Our demand is about 1.35 million tons, while China's output can only reach about 840,000 tons, leaving a gap of about 500,000 tons. This forced us to seek imports, but high tariffs became a hindrance."