Inner Mongolia Huaheng PBAT integration project completed acceptance

Source: Inner Mongolia Market Supervision and Management Review and Inspection Center
2024-04-08 11:44:29
From March 25 to 27, Inner Mongolia Huaheng Energy Technology Co., Ltd. organized experts and participating units to conduct pre-feeding inspections and handover acceptance of PTMEG and PBAT new material industry chain integration projects. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Market Supervision and Management Review and Inspection Center (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Petrochemical Construction Engineering Quality Inspection Station) sent personnel to conduct on-site witness supervision.
The PTMEG and PBAT new material industry chain integration project of Inner Mongolia Huaheng Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has filled the industrial gap of high-end clothing fiber materials in Inner Mongolia. After being completed and put into operation, it has become the largest PTMEG production and processing enterprise in the country, and has planned to use the second phase project to carry out the industrial chain. Extension and strengthening. The project acceptance was organized by the construction unit and participated by the five responsible entities including construction, survey, design, supervision, and construction. The project acceptance expert group successfully completed the pre-feeding inspection and handover acceptance under the full witness and supervision of the staff of the review and inspection center. The acceptance team listened to reports from each participating unit on the construction status of the project, fully checked the handover data against the acceptance standards, and inspected the entities on the project site. After comprehensive inspection of various disciplines, the expert group put forward corresponding issues and rectification opinions, and agreed that after the relevant issues were rectified and closed and the results were confirmed, they could pass the pre-feeding inspection and handover acceptance.
In the next step, the review and inspection center will continue to perform its functions and responsibilities to provide "nannies" services for the enterprise's petrochemical engineering construction; actively coordinate with relevant units to help the enterprise complete construction drawing review, phased inspection, pre-feeding inspection and handover acceptance; Be a good "waiter" for the development of the enterprise and provide strong technical support for the smooth completion of the enterprise's petrochemical construction project. Source: Inner Mongolia Market Supervision and Management Review and Inspection Center