Tu Duoduo Methanol Industry Weekly-No. 20240613

2024-06-13 17:06:22

1. Analysis of the methanol market trend this week

1.1 Analysis of methanol spot market

1.2 This week's comparison of methanol prices in major regions in China

1.3 This week's international methanol price trend chart

1.4 Analysis of this week's methanol futures market price trend

2. Statistics on plant operation and operating rate in China's methanol industry this week

2.1 Maintenance situation of Chinese methanol manufacturers

2.2, operation of international methanol plants

2.3 Statistics on operating rates of methanol manufacturers

3. Methanol port inventory statistics this week

4. China's MTO/P units and profit and loss analysis

4.1 Analysis of operation status of MTO/P units

5. Analysis of the profit and loss situation of the methanol industry chain

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