Beiyuan Group held a 300 MW photovoltaic project promotion meeting

2024-06-19 11:47:24

On June 18, Beiyuan Group held a special promotion meeting for the 300 MW photovoltaic project. Shi Yanyong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, Liu Yancai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager, attended the meeting.

    At the meeting, the construction unit, supervision unit and construction unit reported the project construction status and existing problems from different angles, and communicated and exchanged key issues such as material arrival, construction plan and outsourcing cooperation.

    Shi Yanyong pointed out in his speech that today's meeting is not only a special project promotion meeting, but also a mobilization meeting for the "Hundred Days Battle". All parties participating in the construction must have firm goals, full of confidence, and resolutely complete various tasks. The first is to keep a close eye on the goal and consolidate responsibilities. Construction units and construction units must clarify the responsibilities of all parties at all levels, fulfill the spirit of the contract, clarify goals, consolidate responsibilities, and ensure the completion of construction tasks. The second is to establish a brand and create high-quality products. The construction unit must have the responsibility of a large enterprise. From the start to the end of the project, it must establish an image in civilized construction and safety management, and work together to strive to build the project into a high-quality project and demonstration project of the local government and Shaanxi Coal Group. The third is to work closely together for win-win development. All parties participating in the construction should cooperate and establish close cooperative relations, take this project as the starting point for cooperation, seek more cooperation opportunities in future development, and achieve win-win results.

    Liu Yancai put forward requirements from eight aspects: construction schedule, quality, safety, investment control, civilized construction, communication and coordination, data, and assessment. Source: Beiyuan Group