Wuhai Guangjin BDO project will be put into operation in July next year

2024-06-20 11:34:59

In recent days, the BDO-PBAT integrated project of Wuhai City Guangjin New Materials Co., Ltd. located in the Low-Carbon Industrial Park of Wuhai High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Inner Mongolia is under construction. There were many tower cranes and vehicles shuttled around the construction site. More than 900 builders worked hard to race against time, stepping up construction operations such as process pipeline welding, hoisting and ground hardening, and making every effort to speed up the project construction.

    Tang Hao, deputy general manager of Wuhai City Guangjin New Materials Co., Ltd.:"The entire BDO project is divided into two major parts. The first part is the main process device, and the second part is the public auxiliary device. So far, the civil work of the main process unit has been basically completed, the installation of the underground pipe network has been basically completed, and more than 90% of the equipment installation has been completed. The prefabrication and installation of process pipes is under way, and 30% has been completed. The public and auxiliary equipment is now undergoing comprehensive civil construction, and about 60% has been completed, the foundation (construction) of the outer pipe gallery has been completed more than 95% has been completed, and the first-level ground pipes of the whole plant have been completed more than 75%."

    Wuhai City Guangjin New Materials Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Inner Mongolia Guangna Coal Industry Group with a total investment of 5.777 billion yuan. The construction scale is an annual output of 300,000 tons of BDO units, an annual output of 120,000 tons of calcium carbide acetylene units, an annual output of 720,000 tons of formaldehyde units, and supporting public and auxiliary facilities.

    After the project is completed, the annual output value is expected to reach 5.4 billion yuan, which can provide employment for 600 people. The project relies on the location resources, industrial chain advantages, and local resource advantages of Wuhai City to vigorously develop the BDO industry. At the same time, the company plans to extend the industrial chain, build new material projects such as biodegradable plastics, and focus on building an integrated upstream and downstream degradable plastics industry chain. This project will promote the coal-based biodegradable materials industry chain in Wuhai City, extend and supplement the chain and strengthen the chain., play an important role. Empowering Wuhai City to build the world's largest BDO integrated production base.

    Tang Hao, deputy general manager of Wuhai City Guangjin New Materials Co., Ltd.:"Next, according to the plan, we will start the equipment installation of our public and auxiliary devices and the construction of the steel structure of the outer pipe corridor of the whole plant in July. It is expected that by the end of this year, the installation of equipment pipelines and the installation of electrical instruments will be completed. According to our overall plan and arrangement of the entire project, the commissioning should be started in July next year." Source: Wuhai City RongMedia Center