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[Natural Rubber]: Rubber Daily Journal (July 24)

July 24, 2024, 4:29 PM

Analysis of natural rubber market price on July 24


July 24June, Natural Rubber Qingdao Market STR20 Price Index1665 beautifulYuan/ton, compared withThe previous trading day fell by US$25/ton.

image.pngmarket analysis

futures market

spot market


Foreign countries: There is more rainfall in northeastern Thailand than in the south, and there is still more rainfall overall, which affects the pace of new rubber release. Restocking by secondary suppliers is not smooth, and there is not much room for downside in raw material purchase prices.

Domestic: Currently, Yunnan production has been fully cut, and glue has entered the stage of comprehensive supply. The current glue price is basically stable and there is little room for decline. Later, we will continue to pay attention to the starting level and output of processing plants in the production area.

Typhoon weather in Hainan's production areas has eased, raw materials are expected to be stored, and the actual purchase price of raw materials has dropped within a narrow range.

Demand side:Semi-steel tire enterprises started operating at high levels and had sufficient orders. However, due to the impact of high temperature weather, considering the high temperature of workers, the pressure to continue to increase the start has increased. Currently, most of them continue to operate smoothly, the overall shipment performance is acceptable, and the phenomenon of out-of-stock has gradually eased. In terms of the market, there is currently sufficient supply of agents in the semi-steel tire market. Currently, the prices of some joint venture brands fluctuate slightly. The price policies of most companies are stable. The market has certain promotional policy support. Terminal demand is insufficient, and the increase in overall shipment performance is limited.

Futures spot price list

market outlook

Today, the main rubber contract still maintains a weak consolidation. Although there have been recent weather disturbances such as typhoons in the production area, the overall situation is still in a seasonal increase, and the cost side is only short-term support. The off-season for downstream demand is approaching, and the seasonally starting season of all-steel companies has weakened, dragging rubber prices or being limited by the current trading range. It is expected that the short-term natural rubber market will be limited by the current trading range, and rubber prices may continue to be consolidated sideways.