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[Industry News]: Continue to optimize real estate financial policies

September 29, 2024, 9:52 AM

[State Administration of Financial Supervision:#Continue to optimize real estate financial policies #, effectively promoting the real estate market to stop falling and stabilize] On the afternoon of September 27, the State Administration of Financial Supervision held a systematic video and telephone conference to convey and study the spirit of the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on September 26, study and implement measures, and accelerate the promotion of policies and measures to support high-quality economic development. Implementation of measures is effective. Li Yunze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the General Administration of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Party committee members and deputy directors Zhou Liang, Xiao Yuanqi, Cong Lin and Fu Wanjun attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee profoundly analyzed the current economic situation and put forward clear requirements for the next step of work. The General Administration system must resolutely unify its thoughts and actions with the Party Central Committee's judgment and decision-making arrangements on the current situation, comprehensively and objectively view the situation, and strengthen confidence. We must work hard to plan supervision from the overall situation, use supervision to serve the overall situation, and resolutely ensure that "the General Secretary has orders, the Party Central Committee has arrangements, supervision follows actions, and finance is effective."

The meeting emphasized that we must vigorously promote the implementation of key work tasks and achieve results, and fully support and ensure the completion of economic and social development goals and tasks throughout the year with tangible work results. Promote the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism to further play its role, continue to optimize real estate financial policies, and effectively promote the real estate market to stop falling and stabilize. Promote the implementation of the financing coordination working mechanism to support small and micro enterprises, implement the policy of renewing loans without principal repayment in an orderly manner, and help small, medium and micro enterprises tide over difficulties. Expand equity investment pilots of financial asset investment companies in a steady and orderly manner, and strive to form replicable and replicable practical experience and institutional results. For other key tasks, proactively cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen policy coordination to ensure that efforts are made in the same direction and synergy is formed.

The meeting required that we must insist on taking the lead in doing things, resolutely shoulder responsibilities, seize the time window, dare to take on responsibilities, be good at acting, promptly plan and implement measures, and act quickly to promote work. Pay attention to investigation and research, make policy reserves, and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of regulatory policies. In accordance with the requirements of precise law enforcement, we must standardize law enforcement behaviors, optimize law enforcement methods, and strive to achieve the unity of policy effects, legal effects, and social effects. We will thoroughly implement the "Four New" project, guide the majority of party members and cadres to grow their skills and achieve achievements in overcoming difficulties, and fully stimulate the enthusiasm of officials across the system to start businesses. (Interface)