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Tu Duoduo Methanol Industry Quarterly-Third Quarter of 2024

September 29, 2024, 5:09 PM

1. Analysis of methanol market price in China 2

(1) Methanol market analysis and future outlook forecast for the third quarter of 2024 2

(2) Average monthly price of methanol market in China 3

(3) Analysis of international methanol trend 4

(4) Analysis of the start-up of the international methanol market 4

2. Analysis of China's methanol production and start-up in the third quarter of 2024 5

(1) Statistics on operating rates of methanol market in China 5

(2) Analysis of methanol production data in China 6

(3) Statistics on start-up of methanol industry in China 6

3. Analysis of China's methanol import, export and apparent consumption 7

(1) Analysis of China's methanol imports in 2024 7

(2) Analysis of China's methanol exports in 2024 7

(3) Analysis of apparent methanol consumption data in China 8

IV. Inventory statistics of methanol ports in China 8

(1) Methanol port inventory statistics 8

5. Analysis of the profit and loss situation of the methanol industry chain 9