China PVC Spot Market Price Decline (September 14-21)


According to the monitoring of the Commodity Market Analysis System of toodudu, the spot price of PVC carbide SG5 has decreased this week. On Thursday, September 14th, the average domestic PVC price was 6,310 RMB/ton, and on Thursday, September 14th, the average price was 6,214 RMB/ton, with a price drop of 1.52% during the week.

This week, the domestic spot market price of PVC fell. The upstream calcium carbide market prices have significantly declined, and the futures market has weakened slightly, leading to a lack of confidence in the PVC spot market and a decrease in prices. The demand in the downstream market is poor, and the trading atmosphere on the market is weak. Many people are cautious and wait, and the overall transaction situation is weak, with pre holiday restocking being the main focus. As of now, the quotation range for PVC5 carbide materials in China is mostly around 6,050-6,450 RMB/ton.

In terms of crude oil, international crude oil futures closed lower on September 20th. The settlement price of the main contract for WTI crude oil futures in the United States was $89.66 per barrel, a decrease of $0.82 or 1.0%. The settlement price of the main contract for Brent crude oil futures was $93.53 per barrel, a decrease of $0.81 or 0.9. The Federal Reserve has decided to maintain interest rates unchanged as expected by the market, but its attitude is hawkish. It is expected that there will still be a possibility of interest rate hikes within the year, and energy demand expectations will be suppressed, leading to a downward pressure on oil prices.

In terms of calcium carbide, according to data monitored by toodudu, the prices of calcium carbide manufacturers have significantly decreased this week. Last Thursday, September 14th, the average price of domestic calcium carbide was 3,350 RMB/ton. This Thursday, September 14th, the average price was 2,950 RMB/ton, and the price fell by 11.94% during the week. Upstream orchid charcoal prices are stable and relatively strong, with acceptable cost support. The downstream PVC market has recently slightly declined, and downstream customers’ enthusiasm for calcium carbide procurement has weakened. As the National Day approaches, manufacturers are lowering prices to attract orders. In the future, it is expected that the factory price of calcium carbide in the northwest region may slightly decrease as a supplement, with consolidation being the main focus.

PVC analysts from toodudu believe that the trading atmosphere in the PVC spot market this week is not good. Upstream calcium carbide prices have significantly declined, with weak support. In addition, futures prices have been declining this week, which has dampened confidence in the spot market and shifted the focus of the PVC spot market downward. It is expected that the PVC market will continue to fluctuate within the range in the short term, and we will closely monitor changes in the news.


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