Domestic PVC Market Prices Rose on March 9

 June 13, 2024

The latest price (March 9): 9,000 RMB/ton

According to the data monitoring chart of toodudu, the average domestic spot price of PVC5 type on March 9 was 9,000 RMB/ton, an increase of 1.35% from the previous trading day and a year-on-year increase of 4.65%.

Analysis review

At present, the volatility of the disk is strong, and the PVC market price continues to rise, the range is around 50-150 RMB/ton. Some dealers close the market to wait and see, and the market focus continues to move up, but the high-priced transactions are general.

As of the 9th, the price of raw calcium carbide was around 4,200-4,300 RMB/ton, and the price of PVC was 8,850-9,350 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

It is expected that the PVC market is stable and rising.

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