#Five-star driver of Jiefang Qingqi Definition Car #The December race is coming to an end to see who will win the final prize

 August 20, 2024

Unconsciously, the fourth quarter of 2021 is coming to an end, and the December competition process for the five-star driver selection of defined cars co-organized by FAW Jiefang Qingqi and Manbang Group has also come to an end. This event aims to provide a platform for healthy competition for the majority of definition car users, improve order taking and attendance, and seize the opportunity to make money. The selection consists of three seasons and a total decision. The current situation will enter the closing stage in December, and all players are making their final sprint.

The selection activity is divided into three groups, namely: JH6 truck group, JH6 tractor group, Dragon V(H) and JK6 truck group. Drivers of defined vehicles can sign up to participate in the corresponding group based on the vehicle they drive. Five-star driver selection. Choose a Jiefang Qingqi definition car with unique money-making advantages, participate in the five-star card friend review activity, enjoy the advantages of source and source, increase operating income, and have the opportunity to win the season awards. You can’t be happy! Let us sharpen our eyes and witness the birth of the championship!

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