*** Post a heavy article! A complete lifting of the ban on pickup trucks is coming soon

 August 21, 2024

On October 26, the General Office of *** issued a notice on issuing the division of key tasks for the 10th national video and telephone conference on deepening the reform of “decentralization, regulation and service”, and once again mentioned pickup trucks in the specific measures of Article 14 of the convenience service measures. It is worth mentioning that the notice calls for “promoting the abolition of restrictions on pickup trucks entering the city.” Compared with the previous proposal of “implementing refined management of pickup trucks entering the city and studying further relaxing restrictions on trucks entering the city”, the policy requirements have been further strengthened and the number for comprehensively putting pickup trucks into the city has been released!

From April to May this year, the “Opinions of the General Office of the **** on Further Releasing Consumption Potential and Promoting Sustained Recovery of Consumption” and the “*** Notice on a Package of Policies and Measures to Solidly Stabilize the Economy” were issued one after another. The document twice proposed “implementing refined management for pickup trucks entering cities and studying further relaxing the restrictions on pickup trucks entering cities.” Subsequently, the lifting of the ban was vigorously promoted at the enforcement level, and the response of various regions increased, and a wave of lifting the ban was quickly launched across the country.
According to statistics, at present, more than 80% of prefecture-level cities across the country have no restrictions on the movement of pickup trucks. Nearly 20 provincial capitals have allowed pickup trucks to enter cities. The three directly under the jurisdiction of Qing, Tianjin and Shanghai have also introduced requirements for pickup trucks. It has become a general trend to lift the ban on all trucks.
This *** document once again increases the implementation of the policy and allows the lifting of the ban to be extended to more second-tier cities. It is expected that in the near future, except for Fente cities, the ban will be lifted nationwide! At the same time, we hope that based on the lifting of the ban on road rights, card scrapping, annual inspection, and high traffic policies can be improved, so that under the trend of modernization, people can enter more homes.

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