The multi-million-color mop tested by the public

 August 21, 2024

Public testers receive a free billion-color mop set. Speaking of it, I can’t help but have a lot of words in my heart. This is my favorite car information app.
I still remember the first snow in 2005, which came a little later than in 2004. I worked hard every day, but I gained a few taels of broken silver in my hands. At the end of the year, I had the intention to buy, but my stomach was lush and I knew nothing about steam knowledge. In order to buy the treasure I wanted, I browsed the Internet day and night, and accidentally launched a website. The content was rich and active. It was called: The Home of XX, but the knowledge of steam was at the high-end. I was a little white, and I didn’t understand it. The way to solve the confusion in my heart, and turned to find other good prescriptions. quietly, the car came into my eyes. I thought that, like the above-mentioned website, I had no hope and found that although the body was small, the content was rich. I was fascinated by it, the car only a web page and APP, which was inconvenient. I am very happy to launch the car app. Cars have become my companion, and after many years, they are still my first choice for exposure to automobile knowledge.
Show it deeply and get into the topic. Since the car’s billion-dollar mop is widely tested, there will definitely be good and bad. There are different opinions. We will not blindly praise it just because of free products. I think that will lose the significance of public testing. My own opinion, let me talk about the shortcomings first:
1. The extension rod of a large mop is a pipe, and the cutting part has burrs. If it is not enough, it will be easy to scratch when contacted.
2. The large mop extension rod can be connected with a button instead of directly inserting it. If inserted tightly, it cannot be pulled out, and if inserted, it will be thrown off.
3. The large mop can be rotated. When you want to push it horizontally, you can push it horizontally, and when you want to sweep it vertically, you can sweep it vertically. If you use it for one object, it can be a shortcoming, and it can be a suggestion.
Here are the advantages:
1. The extension rod can be inserted and inserted in a rectangular manner and does not take up space, which is the biggest advantage
2. The small mop is small and light to use, and the handle is placed in the cab to sweep the ash and soil, and use it on the dashboard. The dashboard looks like new every day.
3. Dust often falls on the front barrier glass. With this mop, my mother no longer has to worry about having enough glass water, saving money.
Car users, life is great, I hope to persist and continue, Ken from 8 years of car users

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