Outlander gearbox oil maintenance

 September 2, 2024
It has been almost five years in a flash. He found that he was not active in upshifting and shifting gears at the start and maintained high speeds for a long time. He went to the 4th son for consultation and asked him to wash the throttle and replace the gearbox oil by gravity. After hearing the price, he felt dizzy. However, he had no choice but to make a routine for cleaning the throttle with 200 rice and ran away quickly, and then he bought various kinds of things for maintenance and maintenance for more than ten years. Gearbox oil 220, differential oil 55, antifreeze 48, steel pad 95, filter 90 rice The labor cost cost me 100 words It gave me a whole afternoon…

Key points: ::: One barrel for all oil and water is enough, one barrel must be careful not to be deceived, and I will suffer greatly

The recovered oil on the left is original and unpacked on the right. The difference between the two barrels is less than 1L
The following is the throttle cleaning provided by my son’s shop. Now that I have paid my tuition, I can do it myself next time.

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