[12 guaranteed homework] Highlander is still fierce and powerful!

 September 2, 2024
Last year, I took a trip to Sichuan-Tibet Line 318. I went to do maintenance before departure, and the mileage at that time was 108240km. So far this year, the mileage is 117387km, the actual number of kilometers is only about 9000, but the time has reached a year, should do a maintenance.
Hanlanda’s maintenance cycle is one year or ten thousand kilometers, I believe many riders are more clear about it!
As you may have noticed, I do every maintenance at Mingjia Toyota. The reason is actually very simple:
First, Mingjia Toyota is the sponsor of our Aika Hanlanda annual meeting. I also buy Hanlanda’s insurance in 4S every year. In addition to the cheap insurance premium, I also give you maintenance vouchers every time. This year, I bought insurance to send 800 yuan coupons, and also sent a four-wheel positioning, just when the maintenance can be used, can save some is of course a good thing.
Second, Mingjia in service, maintenance, repair and other aspects of the reputation is very good, we Hanlanda group of hundreds of Sichuan car friends, each 4S store is more, comprehensive comparison score, Mingjia Toyota is undoubtedly the highest.
This year, Mingjia Toyota 4S has been comprehensively upgraded, and the hall is more spacious and bright, giving people a refreshing feeling. This time also saw the new 380T, next time to write a fuel version of the 380T car sticker.
Let’s talk about the maintenance situation this time.
I have to take a picture of the mileage every time I do maintenance. Isn’t this instrument interface a little different? Yes, I modified the LCD instrument before, there are 3 interfaces can be freely switched, you can change the mood at any time!
Hanlanda is insured every 40,000 highways, you can take a look at the maintenance items in the picture below. This can be used as a reference. I do it differently every time. Just check the regular items, not all of them will be replaced.
Toyota now uses pure brand oil, and the Henlanda oil model is 0W-20. The dosage is about 4.5L, so every time it is a 4L 1L, there will be about half a barrel left, and you can take what you need.
It is easier to do maintenance in 4S, every staff has a standard operating procedure, can not be on duty if not reached, which is the main reason why I am willing to go to 4S.
I like to look at the data for maintenance, especially tires and brake pads, which are directly related to driving safety.
The wear of tires is not lower than that of 2mm, and the wear of brake pads is not lower than that of 3mm.
Tire pressure, 2.4 or 2.5 is fine, everyone usually according to this tire pressure on the line.
The chassis went up to check and found 2 problems.
Problem 1. Oil leakage occurs in the latter two shock absorbers. Consulted the technical supervisor, the mileage has reached more than 100,000 kilometers, this problem is normal, can not be replaced for the time being.
Problem two, the front and left half-shaft dustproof sleeve has the situation of throwing oil, the problem has already appeared, can not be delayed any longer, this time it will be replaced decisively. This is figure 2-3 below.
Most of this maintenance is an inspection project. In addition to the basic maintenance oil, machine filter and gasket, the air filter element, air conditioning filter element, distributor oil and differential oil have been replaced, as well as two half-shaft dust jackets.
Tire check, and 3mm, you can run another 5000-10000 kilometers.
Front brake pads also have 5mm, next time to do maintenance and re-check, close to 3mm will be replaced.
All the individual items, the statement below are listed, these are just suitable for my Hanlanda, we can take a look at it, not necessarily yours.
Every time I do maintenance for Hanlanda, I like to post and take notes. If you are also interested, you can take a look at it. I hope it can be helpful to everyone!
1. [the first insurance operation] has traveled 10,000 kilometers. Yes, it’s time to do the first maintenance! Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=26263085
2. [2 guarantee work] list the maintenance and inspection items and tell you how much is the maintenance? Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=26845096
3. [3 guarantee homework] I have traveled all over the world, and I treat the big man like my first love ~ remember the third maintenance of Hanlanda! Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=28258514
4. [4 Protection homework] ran more in 2016, so it’s time to make a “big sword” for Hanlanda! Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=29433230
5. [5 guarantee homework] Let Hanlanda reflect her own value, running an average of 75 kilometers ~ https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=30574484 every day.
6. [6] am I good at running? More than 60,000 kilometers in two years. Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=33367954
7. [7] friendly reminder that your car should be maintained! Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=80715345
8. [8] the Spring Festival has reached 80,000 kilometers, so it’s time to make a big sword for Hanlanda. Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=80795385
9. [9 protect homework] run thousands of miles home to reward the big man who has traveled through both wind and rain. Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=93529032
10, [10] Hanlanda is still young. Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=95856061
11. [11 guarantee homework] before you leave, make a big sword for Hanlanda! Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=96766182

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