Change it again and have a good time! 200,000-kilometer Corolla CVT Aisin Oil Change Health Care!

 September 3, 2024
A picture of the beginning!
There’s a lot in the back. Take your time. Kaiping Aixin Master Store, come to ask the master to do a job.
[18-year-old card-1.6L CVT GL, Hiti mileage 200000]
Carola, which started in March 2018, is an old car. After four free maintenance, she never went back to the 4S store for maintenance. After that, I have been doing it outside, and there are also professional ones who are also fragrant after raising it.
The car is a 2017 1.6L CVT GL, and it is a professional match to change the oil in Aixin. In four years, the mileage went up to 200000 kilometers, and as you might expect, I ran a ride-hailing result. Run as often as you can, car is good, I am good, everyone is good.
It is not that the fault lights are on, just start the instant self-test, there is no need to panic. Although the old card is old and the car is in good condition, the change of oil and filter belongs to normal maintenance.

Carola’s gearbox, which enjoys the famous silk slippery CVT, has always been a setback, and to put it bluntly, the mechanical structure will not allow it to protrude. So if the congenital condition is good, there will be no need for maintenance. It’s not like that. If the family conditions are good, if you change cars frequently, you can’t help but change cars for a year or two, with a mileage of 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers or even less. Naturally, you can’t wait for the gearbox oil to be changed. After all, it’s not time. We wish we could drive an old, smoky car with high attendance, where there will be performance parts that do not need maintenance, not to mention one of the three.
It is said that Carola’s CVT is maintenance-free, regardless of gearbox oil, or that it has to be changed every 60, 000, 80, 000 or three years. When I ran more than 60,000 kilometers, I came to this store for maintenance. The master checked the condition of the car and put some gearbox oil according to the process. It was said that it was blackened and had to be changed. At that time, I couldn’t make up my mind, and I took the initiative to consult Yifeng by phone after sale. I replied that maintenance-free testing is also required for 40,000 kilometers. Whether the gearbox oil is changed or not depends on the testing situation. If it is detected that the quality of the oil product is not good, it has to be changed. There is no need to change it. So do you want to change it if it turns black? Brand after-sales does not count, the outside maintenance shop does not count, whether or not to change ultimately has to be their own decision, after all, the car is their own, who can not be forced.
It’s just that the failure of the gearbox caused by the deterioration of the oil for a long time will outweigh the gain. Some Carola riders reported that his car’s CVT gearbox had a setback at low speed and had a big jitter, just because the gearbox oil had not been changed at 160000 kilometers, so go to repair the car to check for hydraulic torque converter damage. The only way to deal with it is to replace the torque converter, and four or five thousand yuan will be burned in. It costs only a few hundred yuan to change the gearbox oil.
Having said so much, it means that even if the CVT is “maintenance-free”, the oil in it has to be changed. As for when to change, it depends. This is the first time I have changed this car for more than 60, 000 kilometers, and I have changed it again for about 130000 kilometers. Now I have driven to 200000 kilometers, so it is time to change it. Oil quality after on-site testing can indeed be changed, there is a picture behind, here is no longer dry and verbose, Aixin’s construction process continues to go!
Go to the station as soon as you come, check and go first. It’s the same with booking maintenance time in advance in Aisha’s AAMC Mini Program, or calling to make an appointment, if you don’t want to wait. On the spur of the moment, you can also go directly to the store, waiting or not depends on luck. It’s just that I prefer to make arrangements in advance rather than rely on luck. There are preparations in the store. I will work as soon as I come, and no one will delay anyone.
[no oil is not happy– Aixin gearbox oil, engine oil, second oil ready]
In the name of maintenance, all come, how can you just change the gearbox oil to go, engine filter these routine maintenance items are also due to change.

CVT continuously variable transmission oil, fully synthetic. The amount of oil change is 8 bottles.

They are all in 1L iron cans, and the packing is relatively high-end.

Last time is also changed this model, the effect is very good, the car control is as smooth and powerful as ever, the gearbox does not slip, there is no damage to the parts. As long as the maintenance is done well, it can’t be broken in ten or eight years.
The hospitality in the shop was warm, took me to tea, ate melon, and digested it in two steps.
Choose engine oil, it is not random, professional match Aixin total synthetic SN 5W30pr 4L quantity.
[I am blowing water, the master blows ash, and the old card is on the shelf]
The master works hard, but also has to accompany customers to talk about, blowing water from place to place, car knowledge is now popular science. Also does not delay the work, the hand and foot is quick, the operation profession, the machine cover uncovers, spreads the bib, everywhere oil and water inspection, blows the soot in one go.
The electrical circuits and pipelines in the engine room have been checked and there is nothing wrong with them.
Lift the rubber cover of the engine to reveal the body and examine it carefully.
No fault is found, and the oil level is normal, so according to the project agreed in advance, you can change the engine normally.

It’s soaring. Let’s take a look. Come to this occasion, no matter whether you are in the cabin or under the car, there is nothing to hide inside and outside.
Take advantage of the opportunity to examine carefully
[engine oil leaked first as respect, old draw color, full of vicissitudes]
Or blow soot first, all pay attention to people, clean and good construction
Unloading oil screw, unloading machine filter
The old oil released took a cup, not oyster sauce is better than soy sauce.

Compare the scene, the damage is so great.

Why would you keep it if you don’t change it? it’s all burnt.

Leave it clean.
[the old oil in the gearbox is close behind, with a deep color and no downwind]

When the engine oil is finished, the gearbox oil will be released to it. The oil level needs to be checked as well as engine oil before releasing oil, which is the basis of troubleshooting.

The gearbox oil released is about the same color as the engine oil, but dark red.

There is also a comparison between the old and the new, which is obvious.

The new gearbox oil is red. If you work in the gearbox for a long time, it will change from red to brown. Like engine oil, discoloration is normal. First of all, the dust from the natural wear of the clutch disc in the gearbox will be mixed in the oil, and the oil will be oxidized and discolored over a long time, and so on. As long as it is not black, there is nothing wrong with the color. If the gearbox oil released is black and smells scorched, there may be a problem.

Scored twice and made a collective appearance.
Unload the oil pan of the gearbox and clean the sludge! ]

Finish the old oil in the gearbox. Then take off the oil pan, remove the old gearbox strainer, and start a big cleaning.

The gravity of the gearbox oil can not be put clean, not to mention the inside of the oil road, even the oil in the oil pan can not be put out, because the oil discharge hole is higher than the bottom of the shell.

The gearbox filter is removed to replace it.

There is still a lot of oil in the oil pan, which is poured out and also attached with a lot of iron shavings and sludge (there are magnets on the oil pan, such as the three small squares in the picture, which are designed to absorb impurities caused by wear and tear inside the gearbox)

After the oil pan and filter were removed, so much oil was released.

All that should be removed is the valve body of the control unit of the gearbox.

The master is doing a comprehensive cleaning.

[the master is busy, I am distracted, bask in new oil, and wait for the old card to drink for thousands of hours]

If you have nothing to do, let’s take another shot of the spare parts to be changed today.

8 bottles of gearbox oil

4L can of engine oil, one machine filter, and a gearbox filter

Carburetor detergent sprays violently to decontaminate and remove sludge.

Change the machine filter up.

[swallow this pot of 5W-30!]

Then change the oil.

The two young masters cooperate.

Confirm the amount of fuel after you finish.
[new wave box strainer makes its debut]

If it wasn’t for a comparison between the old and the new, we wouldn’t be able to see what the filter would look like.

The old one will come to an end, and the new one will be replaced immediately.

A new generation of filters for old ones

Tighten up and finish the job
After the oil pan is clean, it is reborn and returns to its place with a glow! ]

The carburetor is so powerful that it sprays a few strokes, and the ugly oil pan before is as clean as new.

If it’s all cleaned up inside and out, then please return to your seat.

[oil I have no mud, circulation is complete-change oil in gearbox]

The previous series of operations are all in preparation for the change of gearbox oil. When the circulation machine comes up, it means that the official oil change is about to begin.

Gearbox and circulation machine take-over

Put new gearbox oil into the machine and get ready.
In the way of cycling and changing the gearbox oil, the amount of oil used is larger than that of gravity. Gravity change is to put away the old oil and directly add the new oil to finish the work, which is convenient but not clean. The replacement of the circulation machine is equivalent to cleaning and cycling the interior, using the machine to feed the new oil into the oil road to promote the discharge of the old oil, replacing the new and the old, and getting clean. But it also takes a long time, usually about 40 minutes.
It is your own choice to change gravity or cycle, or, in other words, free to buy and sell. The first time I change the gearbox oil in my car is gravity change, and the second time is cycle change. The follow-up effect of the car is good, and there is nothing wrong with it. This time I will choose to change it in a cycle, and it is certainly not a bad thing to change it thoroughly.

In the process of changing the oil, the window of the new oil and the old oil can see the internal replacement, and the color of the old oil is not as bright as the new oil at the moment.

When the color of the old oil window is the same as the new oil, it will be changed clean.

In the process, you need to ride the car, and walk through each gear to facilitate the complete circulation of the old oil in the oil channel.

Check the oil level without flameout and make sure it is added to the normal oil level. There is an overflow pipe under the oil pan, open and release the oil, saying that if there is too much oil, it has to be released, put it to a stop and screw it on. Master on-site popular science: if there is more oil, it is not good to dissipate heat, which will lead to high temperature inside. If there is less oil, it is easy to slip, and the lack of oil will cause the friction plate to scorch.

At the end of the cycle, check the oil level and remove the pipe.
[the process ends, the construction is successful, and the master cleans the battlefield! ]

When the car is put down, the engine compartment is cleaned + checked, and the engine rubber cover is reset.

And added glass water for free. Get in the car again and check whether the lights, electric windows, wipers and other functions are normal.

After flameout, the car rises again to check if there is any leakage after the oil change. By the way, the tire pressure, brake pads and brake discs have also been checked.
[drive out for a road test to make sure it is safe to change]

All construction has been completed.

The master got in the car and drove out for the road test.

[farewell, take a group photo]

Here are a few more simple additions to the feeling after changing oil:
1. The car has a high attendance rate, runs more mileage, and usually drives fiercely, so it is a real crime for the car to follow me. Another “sin” of 60,000 or 70,000 kilometers, and another “crossing over” cycle has arrived, so change the oil.
two。 In fact, there is a big problem with the car before the oil change. the oil change has been solved. That’s a mistake. Oil change is a precaution, such as not changing oil for a long time, impurities in the oil lead to hydraulic torque converter damage or oil pump damage, valve body failure and other problems, and then change oil can not be solved, it has to be repaired. Before the change of oil, that is, the shift from P to D, there was a little shaky wobble. After changing the oil, I don’t know if it was psychological. I didn’t feel it when I was driving these days, and I went back to smooth.
3. In addition, after changing the oil, the big foot throttle goes down and increases the speed feeling a little bit, the sense of “dullness” weakens, and the driver is more brisk. There is no obvious change in anything else, which is not a big problem.
Pull the list to the town building! ]

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