Repair records of dragon front bars and corners

 September 3, 2024
A lot of things are bound to change for the better if they don’t want to. Life has its ups and downs, only when you have a strong will and confidence in your heart can you break out of the predicament. Yes, as the old saying goes, everything is going up during the trough, and the weather is the same as my mood. Today is a small cloudy day, which seems to indicate that something is going to happen to me. As usual, I go to work and work normally. Life is two o’clock. I drive an Asian dragon to work. When driving at the intersection, the green light goes straight. I didn’t expect that when my car just started. Suddenly there came an old woman who ran a red light on an electric tricycle. At that time, the old woman directly hit the front bumper of her beloved car. The corner was sunken, and the old woman also fell badly. Sitting on the ground, I couldn’t get up. I first saw how the next person was. I called the traffic police to deal with it, and chatted with the old woman for a while. I learned that the life of the old lady was not satisfactory, and the old woman had to buy goods to make a living. I think I am not going to investigate the responsibility, and then I also give the old woman some money to buy some nutrition, thinking that she is unlucky, so that she can do some good deeds and do something moral.
Make an appointment in advance, put the car in the after-sales maintenance service store to repair, came to the store, the after-sales maintenance service store people came to assess the damage degree of the bumper, after a series of evaluation, take insurance, plus disassembly and spray painting and so on, it is estimated that it will cost one or two thousand more, and changing the bumper is not a small expense. The staff helps me go through the formalities, I give the car to the staff I rest assured, because the maintenance is carried out by a professional master and the technology is first-class, I can rest assured that I can repair it here.

I really don’t want to come to the after-sales maintenance service store because of this, but since it happened, I sent it to the after-sales maintenance service store to repair it.

The master removed all the front to check and repair it. To save any invisibility damage.

I drove my car into the workshop and began to work, masters. First of all, I parked the car in the repair shop, removed the front bumper bolts from the left and right sides, and then removed the bumper from the side. Replace the same type of bumper, radiator grille and so on. During the repair process, the master also provided me with several ways to repair bumper scratches, such as using toothpaste in places with shallow scratches. Wipe the car steam scratches counterclockwise with a soft cotton cloth, spray the car steam scratches with a repair agent, wipe them with a towel, then spray along the scratches with a lacquer pen, and then spray them with wax when they are dry. Small scratches can be done on their own.

The car only needs to be touched, ah, it’s not a big or small accident, it’s all troublesome. Each process will be implicated to a point.

There were not many people when I came here today, and I began to repair it without much delay.

The whole workshop is divided into different areas according to different types, which is also good and the division of labor is clear.

Remove the front bumper

The side lines of the car are smooth.

The tail is charming

The master of Ma Li works conscientiously and carefully.

It is more appropriate for professional people to operate professional things.

My car is so handsome no matter how it looks.

The lines are charming

Like it all.

When you get to the store, someone will come to receive you, and you don’t know what to do. This is good, and the society is not afraid of it.
In this way, I have completed a series of work, and the masters are also sweating after finishing my car this summer. I would like to say here that the master has worked hard. I hope I will not be as bumpy as this month. Have a smooth journey!

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