If you don’t compare it in person, you don’t have the right to speak. Compare the experience of replacing the engine foot by the original factory and the auxiliary factory ~

 September 3, 2024
This is a more golden feeling ~ ~ the reason why I did not change the original machine foot on the same day to post about the feeling is that the mood has not calmed down at that time.
Because I changed the foot of the auxiliary factory nine days ago, I felt that when I was driving, especially uphill, my garage had a section of more than 10 meters uphill, which was in first gear at this time. When the engine turned at 1500, there was obvious resonance transmission to the steering wheel, the lead and co-driver’s position. At the same time, accompanied by the resonance sound, especially at a high speed, the hands were numb ~ because when cruising at the speed of 90 kilometers in gear 7, the engine was 1500 rpm. Gentle overtaking downshift, basically no more than 2000 rpm, in this range, the engine vibration will be very uncomfortable, and there is a resonant sound, in this range ~
As the weather gets colder and colder, I will feel better only after increasing the driving time from the previous 30 minutes to 1 hour. I really can’t stand such a long warm-up exercise on my machine feet. After all, I drive in the basic urban area and arrive at my destination in less than half an hour.Your machine has just finished warming up. It’s just a van, and I can’t stand it. I’m not too old.
Direct order from the original factory, 4S original crew, open and replace ~ ~

First, let’s take a look at the engine jitter. After 1500 revolutions of turpentine, there is an obvious resonance sound. It is estimated that it is the collision sound from the foot of the auxiliary factory, which can not resolve the vibration of the engine at the maximum resonance of 1500 revolutions. Anyway, it’s obvious.

This is from the deputy factory. I took a picture of the car being pinned down by the engine, and it was bulging like this.

The original factory, the label is full ~ ~ the date is fresh!

Open the box ~ ~

The original factory’s white protective wax can’t be wrong at a glance.

Full of original factory characteristics

This date is absolutely fresh.

All right, the old one has been removed, the original factory on the left and the deputy factory on the right.

There is already a difference in the label, the original font is thicker and darker! A printing can tell the difference ~ ~ the Mercedes-Benz logo has also been deliberately dug up!
The deputy factory actually produced the goods a year ago.

The bottom is more obvious, the airbag of the original factory on the left is obviously more concave, and the second factory on the right is only half of the concavity of the original factory.
And the metal shell, the deputy factory obviously has more scars.

The original factory is more concave, and the photo doesn’t look obvious.

Look, the concavity of the auxiliary factory is obviously not as deep as that of the original factory on the left. Don’t tell me that you will be like this in 9 days.

The concavity is obviously different, and the black oil sac of the original factory is pure black, and the deputy factory is brown.
Apart from these obviously different appearances, there is nothing on the metal shell of the original factory. It seems that there is no doubt that the deputy factory is either an unqualified product or a Mercedes-Benz logo dug up from the new goods. The production date of a year ago, the metal shell has obvious scars and the whole is old, and the original factory also has scars, but the metal color is very new ~ ~ I prefer to renovate the goods ~ ~

A two-pronged approach.

From the deputy factory, just seal it.

The torque wrench is indispensable.

Comparison of wave box hanging glue

The original factory shows the real body with a dozen labels, and there are a lot of norms.

Can you see the difference? there are letters and numbers under the original factory on the right, and the tilt angles of the two are not the same.

Obviously, the deflection angle is different, the secondary factory is bigger, and the original factory on the right is bigger.

Torque wrench replacement gearbox shock absorber ~ wave box suspension glue
Ignition test, P gear feed oil, directly to 2000 turpentine, no resonance sound of the auxiliary factory ~ ~ the original factory supply force ~ ~

By the way, I made a dynamic balance.

I found that the hub of the left rear wheel is out of circle. I feel that I am not shaking at high speed. I intend to ignore it. Now put it on the right rear wheel. Stay away from my driver’s seat.

Look at the front suspension, feel the right direction, run to the right, and give away the steering wheel, there is the feeling of pulling the steering wheel to the right.

Cooperative unit, take a look at the four rounds by the way.

Consistent with the data in the manual, the difference in the right front inclination angle is relatively large. I estimate that it was caused by the front car owner crossing the pit at high speed, and then led to the right front tire burst and the wheel hub out of circle at that time, because the tire that is currently out of circle was produced in 18 years. I measured that the tread pattern was on average a few millimeters shallower than the other three tires produced in 21 years. At that time, I used an old tire to make do. After tread measurement, this rear drive car The consumption of rear wheel is greater than that of front wheel.
The feeling of Conan

With one adjustment, the steering wheel does not run in the right direction, and without pulling the wheel, I feel that the front bundle has only moved 2 or 3 millimeters, a small adjustment.
Solve another small problem.

Wash the car and leave for more than half a day.
No matter when and where, the original machine foot does not need to do warm-up exercise at all, directly in the best condition. When I use the car this morning, the vibration of the ignition is even smaller than that of the auxiliary factory. The P gear gives oil directly to 2000 rpm of turpentine, and there is no resonance sound of the auxiliary factory at all. The direct R gear does not move, only a little bit more than the D gear in the same way. After all, the torque is a little greater and the feeling is much stronger than that of the auxiliary factory. At this time, it is the comparison feeling that the idle speed has just dropped to 700rpm after about 30 seconds of hot ignition.
1 out of the garage uphill, 1500 rpm resonance has feeling and sound, compared with the deputy factory has improved, not big, feel that now is the engine to go through about 10 minutes of driving time, water temperature and oil temperature completely reached the top, at 1500 rpm resonance will disappear, no matter uphill or flat road (downhill do not feel), only 1.2.3gears, 4 gears have feeling, 5 gears are the strongest 6.7 grade (so the perception of high-speed overtaking is obvious), but on the whole, it is smaller than the sub-factory, a little smaller ~ ~ can basically reach the state that you can feel and you can ignore without thinking about it.
Unprofessional self-feeling conclusion:
The engine of this car accumulates a lot of carbon. Last time, the power of the cylinder of the intake manifold was not reduced, the torque of 1500 rpm was insufficient to produce resonance, which is similar to the principle of insufficient oil supply by manual and strong vibration of the engine. Uphill is more obvious than the flat road, or this engine is like this, common fault, or the clutch plate appears aging, engine power transmission has more loss.
Talking about the machine foot of the deputy factory, half of the price of the original factory, apart from the fact that it takes more than half an hour to warm up, in addition, it is also possible to have nearly 80% of the shock absorption power close to the original factory, so the opening sound of “ah” was my complex feeling after changing the machine foot of the original factory at that time. In line with the principle that I was willing to gamble and lose, I could not go to the theory. This deputy factory foot wave box hanging glue will press the bottom of the box.
By the way, everyone, after the intake manifold is removed, is it necessary to replace the sealing ring? the last time I removed the carbon deposit, I did not replace the sealing ring. I don’t know if it will have any impact on the engine power.
Thank you

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