M264 Replacement engine belt, removal process.

 September 3, 2024

Pay attention to the order when replacing a 4S shop, and I discovered the working hours of the guide wheel. There are no guide wheels, which I corrected. I also have to thank all the great gods for their teachings.

ready to start

Power outage started

Start removing the intake air

It’s a bit troublesome. I broke the water pipe next to it when I was dismantling it.

The air inlet was successfully removed

I looked at the ball head with the abnormal chassis sound

so many

It broke right here.

old belt

It’s worn down


It still looks like it works.

Can I not replace this?

These are the only two in the M264 belt set

Great, both ends are broken

It’s dirty inside,

Looking at me, I worry about other parts of the cooling system.

The water pipe is broken here.

New belt, 191 pieces each.

Sure enough, it was time to change it, and the lines had disappeared for a long time.

A new tensioner? More than a thousand,
Because there was no water pipe parts maintenance station to stop, I had to go home. I can only wait 100,000 kilometers before posting.

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