Make up for the shortcomings of my predecessor and replace the feet, hangers, antifreeze, and differential oil ~~

 September 3, 2024
Just say the question:
1. I can’t feel the shaking of the steering wheel in N gear, the steering wheel is still in D gear, the steering wheel shakes, the hands are numb, the front seat feels shaking, the high speed steering wheel does not vibrate visually, but I feel vibration, and I don’t feel numb even when I go down the highway, but I don’t feel good. I have been doing dynamic balance ~ ~ has not been solved ~ ~
2, 2 gear low speed over the uneven undulating road, there is a chattering sound, not loud, but the driver’s seat can obviously hear. The deceleration zone is more obvious in a quiet place like the garage.
3. Replace the antifreeze because of the tap water and BMW coolant added last year, although it is universal. But psychological discomfort ~ ~ tap water ~ ~
4. change the differential oil. Last year, I added the oil from the original gearbox. I read your big posts, saying that this is not good, or, ah, take advantage of the discount, 138 won 2 litres of Anso rear axle oil, the top mote recommended by the strict version, change to S later and reuse it ~ ~ the starting point is not too high.
The weather is fine today, take the parts bought by Mercedes-Benz House, and I repeatedly read the strict version of he version and all kinds of process materials provided by my predecessors for a week, and came to the private maintenance center ~ ~ began to toss ~ ~

Pairs of things, must be replaced together ~ ~ imported original machine feet, not imported original factory, what logo is not the same as 4S goods, the seller said that it is not the kind of three-free products you think ~ ~ I estimate that there are still defective A products ~ ~ hope to have 90% of the state ~ ~

1189 is the suspender on the left. My photo should be seriously distorted and the size is seriously different. In fact, it is the same, and the reinforcement points are all the same. The seller said that the installation was neck and neck, but I still installed it from the bottom to the top according to the original letter. The obvious difference is that the new ball head is more out. I don’t know if the old one has been compressed to the end, and the elasticity has been lost.

The left suspender didn’t see the damage. I thought it was over and changed it for nothing.

This is the right side, the letter is not only two-color, 2 of 1289, indicating that the number 2 on the right is unexpectedly engraved and sunken, the new ones are all protruding ~ too excited, not according to the new ~ ~

Finally see the broken ball head, this position in the right above the ball head this position, the usual visual is not easy to see, too much occlusion, no wonder I looked at the boom many times did not see the problem, even if the squeaking sound is not this place, it is also very pleasant to replace the damaged parts.

It’s all out in the open. Remember, the right side is bad.

At the beginning, the torque is 98, and the force is too large. It is estimated that it only takes more than 80.

There is no need to do four-wheel positioning to change the Derrick, and the direction will not deviate! Boom warranty for 2 years!

Start to change the machine foot, feel shaking before, go to check the machine foot, the small worker all say it is new ~ ~ last year the seller said that just changed the machine foot ~ ~ I also thought it was new, the small worker all said that my car does not shake, does not shake ~ ~ you are all quite nervous, right?
Fortunately, I have seen a lot of forums, and if I know that the life span of a shanzhai machine foot is less than one year, plus my friend’s 3.0 self-priming (the same nose as the strict version, it is a top match) told me that all kinds of files do not shake, I firmly believe that the machine foot is a major suspect ~ ~

This is the foot of the machine on the left, the old one on the left and the new one on the right. As the seller said, there was no sign. I asked the seller that it was produced by ZF’s company, but it was not what you thought. I did not ask in detail. Anyway, if it is bad for 20,000 kilometers in two years, I will not buy it again. If it is not bad for more than three years, it is worth it. I will not continue to buy it. After all, the three products are unclear. The original factory is reluctant to buy. It’s really cheap to use Phoebe next time on Singles Day.
How do I feel it is the same as the old one ~ ~ see how long my Buddhist method can last ~ the old one is less than 3 years old and the mileage is less than 3W km, which is consistent with the reaction of other riders in the forum!

The left foot, shock absorber and metal frame have a gap of about 2mm, and the new one is not available at all!
It seems that there is some collapse, the feeling has little effect on the jitter, and I am nervous again. Is the jitter not the problem of the machine foot? ~ ~

From this point of view, the mobile phone has no macro and no telephoto, so it’s really hard to take a picture. I hope I won’t repair the car and change the phone at this time next year.

Behind the air cushion, below is the right foot, completely invalid, can not press, above the new can be pressed ~ ~ is on the right, remember, it is easy to break on the right! Now that there is a bottom, the elasticity of the right foot is completely ineffective, no wonder you don’t shake! The old one on the left can also be pressed, but the trip is not as big as the new one.
It’s the same thing as the old one.

Engine up ~ ~ at this time the lower transverse rod has been removed, I do not know the professional name ~ ~ hanging on the left ~

Torque fixing machine pin screw! This lower fixed crossbar is removed, in order to remove the right foot, the right side of the car repair boss brothers are also experienced, take it wisely, did not follow the usual route.

50 Nm fastening and reducing transverse fixing rod, I don’t know the professional name, it is connected to the lower part of the screw that has just been replaced.

New aligned alignment column ~ ~

The above is the Taiwan gearbox shock absorber bought last time, 160 yuan. Below is the Cai Efu banner bought this time. It is not the kind of three-free product you think. I replaced it together. I kept what I bought last time. I didn’t want it from the original factory last month. It seems that the gearbox shock absorber has the longest life.

Withstand ~ ~

This is reset strictly according to torsion, except that the one at the bottom of the gearbox shock absorber is called the engine crossbeam, a large black iron block, indicating that the six screws marked 2S did not hit 70 cattle, but only 60 cattle. My friend felt that he was already very strong. I tried, almost, 65 didn’t go on, afraid of twisting ~ ~

Change the gear oil, strictly according to the requirements of the strict version, first 0.7 liters, D idle, press P directly, a click sound, the gears of the gearbox skidded, did not step on the brakes and pressed P, and the car was in the air again. The consequence of no tire force ~ ~ because I am in the car, the D gear car does not move, the eyes are still, the illusion to my brain is that I stepped on the brake, so subconsciously pressed the P gear As a result ~ old, the reaction is still not good ~ ~ fortunately, the strict version said that the electronic gear gearbox can not be broken ~ ~ it’s just the sound of the ratchet inside ~ ~ is a little loud.
Finally, the remaining 1.3 liters will be injected, and the overflow will seal.

Replace the cooling oil, which is attached to the kettle with a lot of black slag, leave it alone, 9 liters of distilled water to clean the water tank, the way of pumping.

3 bottles of original antifreeze.

A total of 6 liters, look at the bottle feel that there are more than 2 liters left, only add 4 liters less than it is said that there are 2 liters left inside, I do not know how to pump clean ~ no gravity to put, friends said that more thoroughly ~ which way to change antifreeze more thoroughly has not been studied, after cleaning, it is estimated that only 0.5 liters of raw liquid will be mixed with 1.5 liters of water. Drive tomorrow to see if there will be a drop. Let’s see how much can be added to the remaining 2 liters here ~ ~ if it can’t be added, after my repeated calculation, then only about 4.5 liters will be pumped out, or will it be more thorough?
It has been proved that this car does not work by pumping, it is not clean, and there is a problem with sealing when draining water. At least this car still has to replace antifreeze by way of releasing water. Finally, it is stated that.

This theory of mine took the printed material and worked slowly with my friends for about 3 hours. All the screws paid attention to stress release, very meticulous!
While my friends were dismantling, I did some things such as cleaning and cleaning the tire stones and some wire harness that had not been done before the reset. I felt that I still practiced the war on the top ~ ~ and thank my brother for slowly repairing the car for me ~ ~ must support!
This time to change the machine foot and boom, I admit that I have the element of gambling, because all kinds of visual observations before are intact, in fact, there are already problems ~ ~ are all on the right!
Drive all the way home, 13 kilometers can no longer be familiar with the road, the sound of chattering completely disappeared, what is more surprising is that after the shock absorption, the car body swings more cleanly, and the front of the car feels tighter! What a surprise. If all the floor parts are replaced, it is not a dream to restore the solid texture as before.
Jitter problem: n gear does not shake, no change, D gear, jitter is only 20% of the original appearance, because from the moment of ignition, I obviously feel that the vibration is about half less than before, because with AUTOHOLD, I am concerned about the jitter of D gear. I am really satisfied. Turn on the AC of the air conditioner and sense that the compressor starts, but the transfer of jitter to the steering wheel is not obvious., satisfied ~ ~
Brake R gear jitter is obviously greater than D gear, and it feels 2 times larger. I don’t know if everyone is the same, and it will be much better. It is estimated that it is the reason that the twisting torque of the reverse gear is greater. Releasing the brake and starting to reverse the car will reduce a lot. It’s only a big drop than the D gear.
I will feel the directional vibration on the highway when I get on the highway, and it is estimated that it will also improve a lot.
Now the question is how long this three-nothing product that everyone is concerned about can last, and then the oil seal of the crankshaft in front of my gearbox leaks. It is estimated that it will be trimmed in the near future. I hope to be able to change Anso’s fully synthetic gearbox oil 2 years later.
It is already early morning. I can’t help but spend another 2 hours posting and correcting the text. Thank you again, moderators and seniors for your posts, so that I can gamble boldly.

Summary of antifreeze:
The antifreeze of this model is better to use and cannot be pumped. According to my calculation, only 3.5 litres of mixed antifreeze is added this time, and the remaining 2.5 liters are left. If there is 2L left in the water tank, plus I wash it with 9 liters of distilled water, according to the calculation of 8 liters of antifreeze in the complete water tank, my pure water is 4 times that of the antifreeze, and the freezing point is high, but the heat conduction is faster. I hope I can evaporate the water quickly, and then add the original solution. If the integrity of the water tank is 6 liters, the proportion of antifreeze solution will be a little higher.
Last year, the antifreeze mixture was added about 5.6 liters ~ ~ 10,000 km without loss ~ ~ so this car is still the safest way to put it!

Summary of the machine foot:
Today, after running 200 kilometers and 120 kilometers per hour, there is no micro-vibration of the steering wheel. The failure of the foot will indeed cause the steering wheel to vibrate on the highway, mistakenly thinking that it is a tire dynamic balance problem.
The resonance problem existed before the replacement of the machine foot, and the feeling has been reduced by about half after the replacement. Its characteristic is that when the throttle continues to refuel, the speed is maintained at about 1500 rpm, the resonance reaches the maximum, and there is no resonance at 2000 rpm. I have observed many times that the chassis emits obvious resonance. According to my observation many times, the resonance feeling will be halved after 15 minutes of driving. It will gradually weaken between 15 minutes and 35 minutes, and disappear after 35 minutes, so my feeling is that the machine feet should move for 35 minutes. The R gear brake stop and the D gear stop is a vibration strength ~ ~ maybe this is the reason for the defective product ~ ~
Personal immature conclusion: the machine foot must use the original factory, three no products had better not to use, Phoebe should be better than me this! From the jitter point of view, I feel that half of the price of the original factory is only half of the power, and the goods for every penny fit very well, but for the driving texture and about half of the life of the original factory, you have to replace it after damage. this extra man-hour and time is extremely uneconomical! So let’s stick to the original factory!
This set of machine pin is broken, I will change the original factory, the price of less than 3000 man-hours of materials, at that time will still send a post for your reference

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