The day I went to the Audi 4S store to tighten screws

 September 4, 2024
As an Audi car owner, I have always been served. Today, as an Audi service experience officer, I personally came to Audi’s workshop to experience a full range of Audi services. The experience is divided into maintenance service experience in the workshop, road test drive and work. Experience in Chengdu City well after work

Today, as a technician, tooling is indispensable. Look at the words Audi Service. After today, anyone who wants to do vehicle maintenance can come to me.

Ready to get started

Everything is ready, so let’s hurry into the workshop. The beautiful host and maintenance technician of the 4S shop are our masters today. Under their leadership, we will complete today’s screw tightening task.

The first is the inspection of the tire parts. Tire pressure, brake pads, and suspension suspension are all routine inspection items

Look at this kid’s shoe who can’t wait to start measuring the tire pressure himself. You haven’t done anything yet.

After the tire inspection is over, use a lift to lift the vehicle and continue to inspect the chassis, such as checking for oil leakage, ball head testing, etc.

At the end of the chassis part, it is time to replace the oil. Use the machine to pump out the used oil, add new oil, and use the oil dipstick to judge whether the oil is added properly.

There is also a lot of knowledge about engine oil. Even if they are all fully synthetic engine oils, they are also divided into different levels.

As a student, if you don’t understand, ask, and there is no end to learning.

When was this the air filter element and air conditioning filter element were also removed and replaced? I didn’t see a phone call.

This classmate is testing the water content of brake fluid

Is this looking through the telescope again? No, this is testing the freezing point of the antifreeze

Continue to open the trunk and test the voltage and current of the battery again, so that one maintenance is basically completed

After successful studies, I will continue the test drive on urban roads. Audi’s ADE coach will explain the content of road test drives, the most important thing is safety.

There are many models of test drive cars. As the owner of the Audi Q4 e-tron, I will not test drive it

Guess which one is my ride?

Judging by the color of the hood, you should have guessed it, right?

Three rounds of wine and five flavors, that’s not right. As an old driver, I still know the truth of driving alcohol rather than drinking a car. Then eat. I completed my studies in the morning and went to experience Chengdu’s characteristics in the afternoon

This is the entertainment after dinner. Watching Sichuan opera, this figure, this pace, and this outfit are really beautiful

Playing diabolo is also a technical activity

During the fire-breathing performance, a heat wave surged past, which scared me to take a few steps back.

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