Sagitar 1.6 Air Pump Replacement Operation (Updated)

 September 4, 2024
My wife’s speed is 1.6 automatic gear. when the cold car starts, the air pump will intervene to add air to the engine, and some people call it a secondary air pump to achieve the purpose of sufficient burning. when the weather is hot, this pump does not work, when the weather is cold, especially in winter, the temperature is relatively low, after each cold car starts, about 120 seconds, the sound of this pump is louder, a bit like screaming Some students describe it as: the sound of a plane starting. Haha, that’s right. It’s that kind of sound. I’ve been in this situation for some time. I asked about it. The mechanic said it didn’t matter if I didn’t have this pump. when I repaired the car last time, he unplugged the pump for me, and the car was running normally, but after a few days, my wife said that the instrument panel turned on the fault light, like an engine fault.
Then plug the power back in and continue to ring every time the cold car starts.

Some time ago, I was looking for a post on the Internet to see if it was possible to repair the air pump by myself. I replied in the forum and got a reply from the moderator and enthusiastic cyclists. I was invited to post here.

The air pump of the original car is from Pilberg, Germany, and looks like this:

Lift the engine cover and you can see it.

Side mark
The outer shell of this air pump is so tightly sealed that it seems impossible to take it apart easily. If you take it apart and repair the contents inside, you may not be able to recover. As a result, I gave up the idea of repairing the air pump and had to change one air pump.
I bought the air pump of the deputy factory for the first time, called the deputy factory, and later found that there was no brand or specific logo. What I thought at that time was just to work at startup, not imported goods, and domestic ones should be fine. Is an air pump, blow some air into it, how much technology is there? As a result, the air pump of the deputy factory arrived.
With three rubber piers
There is no brand or logo on the corresponding position, that is, the “deputy factory” parts.

The process of dismantling also found a “suspicious case”. It turned out that the pipe connected to the air pump had long been broken, glued together by black tape and circled several times. It could not be found without looking carefully or moving.

Now I don’t know who did it. I’ve been to 4S and private car repair shop before. I don’t know who did it. I can only admit my bad luck and change it myself.

New pipe.

It is said that the one with this Volkswagen logo is the original factory, and the one without the logo is the deputy factory.

The new pipe is installed at one end.

Rubber pier is installed on air pump

The air pump was also installed, but finally encountered a problem here.

This pipe won’t fit, and the card QQ won’t go on.

Press it to the end, but still can’t buckle it.
The air pump can work normally, and the sound is actually normal, but the pipe can’t be buckled, because the air pressure from this pump is quite high, and if it can’t be fastened, the pipe will be blown out at one end and fall out.

Later, I went to a car repair shop and showed it to them, but it couldn’t be installed.

Finally, I communicated with the seller and returned the air pump and pipe of the auxiliary factory. The seller was very straightforward and quickly agreed. I only lost half the express fee and a few red envelopes, but I wasted some time.

So far, the first attempt to replace the air pump ended in failure, and then re-bought the air pump, the original air pump, the new pipe, to be updated.
The new air pump has arrived, the installation is complete, and it comes from the Taobao shop of the brothers on the road.
Install and get on the bus

Before installing it.

Install the air pump

The pipes are also installed. Finished.
Finally, to sum up, this new air pump is made by Bergvana in the United States. it is commonly used in several FAW-Volkswagen cars, such as Cadi, Bora, etc., and its work is much better than that of the deputy factory. Of course, the price is also much better. After installing it, the sound is a little different from that of the previous one. It should be that the design of the wind road is different, the vibration is very small, and the sound is still a little bit, which is normal.

By the way, it is said that the original German Pilberg air pump has been discontinued. In the FAW-Volkswagen system, this air pump is sold for thousands of years, but it is still out of stock. Therefore, this air pump of Bergwana is a good choice. Students who want to change the air pump will recommend it to you.

The wife said that the sound was acceptable, it was cold now, and the cold car was running for about 2 minutes after it started, and then stopped running.

So far. The operation of replacing the fast-rising air pump with DIY is completed.

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