70,000 kilometers, change brake pads as a souvenir.

 September 4, 2024
When I looked at the meter a few days ago, I saw that it was 70,000 kilometers and the weather had warmed up. I thought about taking time to get the brake pads. Then I went back to the organization to study and accurately determined the golden unicorn mentioned in Yan’s version. Then I put it into a fight and the frame number was given to the merchant. As a result, the two before and after had to be developed separately, so it was a good meal.

first arrived

Second time
It was different twice. I asked the merchant and replied that this was checked based on the frame number. There was absolutely no mistake.
The impatient person couldn’t help it, so he started the rectification immediately in the afternoon.




The back plate is still relatively flat

There wasn’t much left to replace.

There is a groove in the front, so the master recommends polishing it.

After polishing back

Hehe, does it feel like a new disc?

Finally, let’s talk about the key points. I have done 4 wheel brake maintenance, and personally feel it is necessary to do it. One cleaning agent and three pastes are in one box. It takes a lot of time to do this maintenance. Spray everything with a cleaning agent, then use a steel brush, repeat it twice, and then apply different creams to different positions. Overall, it lasted for 3 days. It felt so comfortable because I decided to do brake maintenance at a last minute, so I didn’t buy it in advance. Personally, I thought that students who wanted to replace the pads could buy a better one. I did it by the way, and the squeaking was definitely gone now, and the brakes returned to a high-quality feeling. That’s all I want to say, I hope it will be useful.

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