A good day starts with a lunch box

 September 4, 2024

Twelve and a half years, 8W mileage maintenance essay

A beautiful day starts with a box lunch of 5,400 yuan. At this price, I can’t help but hold up two bowls of rice + two bowls of red bean soup.Oh, hiccup ~ it’s killing me.

Come on, check out, calculate the meal money.

Consumption menu

Is the price worth it?

My point is:If the replacement of the new machine foot can last as much as the factory-loaded parts for 12 years, 277 yuan a year, it will be worth too much! Five hundred and fifty-four yuan a year for six years is worth it. Use it for four years, 831 yuan a year, it’s all right. If it takes less than three years, it’s not worth it.

Is the ATF package worth it?

The replacement is in line with the original factory design standards; during the construction process, I do not see anything to worry me, my use life is 8-9 years, 236 to 265 yuan per year, I think it is too worthwhile.
The AT gearbox is broken. You can’t handle it for a few thousand dollars!

Edge rise

When I came back from a visit to the Qaidam Basin on National Day last year, the mileage reached 8W, which happened to be the end of the self-defined maintenance cycle, requiring construction projects:
1. Oil, machine filter
two。 Spark plug
3. Differential oil
4. ATF
5. Engine bracket and gearbox bracket, commonly known as: foot


D.I.Y preliminary examination, found that the use of many years of anti-insect net has been broken, I guess it is wire, and too thin. The size is not suitable, it is not wide enough, and some of it is unstoppable. With half a roll of stainless steel net on hand, I decided to toss a net that can completely cover the radiator.

Cut off the old barbed wire with this straight-headed aerial scissors and wear off the solder joints on the frame with sandpaper and widen them.

The polished frame is not wide enough.

The polished frame, the original joint, is going to be cut from here.

Found a cold shop 500 meters away from home, the boss asked: add 5 centimeters? I thought about it and decided to add only 4 centimeters. It was later proved that I was conservative and could add 5 centimeters, but it was a bit difficult to install. Adding 4.5 centimeters was the limit value that was convenient for installation.

The boss does it himself and is cutting.


The lengthening rod uses a 10 cm long half tooth screw, which is cut and welded.This welding, to be honest, was done just so well, and then it was reworked again..

Cost: 10 yuan

With so much stainless steel net left on hand, I decided to use it all and make a double layer!

Slowly toss about, make a double layer, pull out a few steel wires from the Internet, and use them for binding and fixing the frame and the joint.

The binding part is bound and fixed with useful steel wire, which can not be seen in the picture.

Double layer, oh yeah

Clean the original rubber edge, inject the structural glue, and reinstall it.

The extra section is covered with the remaining EPDM sealant strip (commonly known as large P-type sealant strip) cut and structural glue, clamped and fixed with a long tail clip, and so on.

This is what it looks like after drying.

This side is prominent, decided: this facing the enemy

Look at it head on

Side view, tilted on the front of the radiatorThe height of this frame is slightly larger than the height of the installation space.

After installing the upper steel parts of the original car, this is exactly what is shown in the picture.The upper end of the anti-insect net frame will be pressed, and the net is slightly bent forward and protruding, relying on the elasticity of the frame itself to prevent sloshing.


After finishing the D.I.Y, begin to improve the “treatment” and go to the shops where you often go to construct items 1, 2 and 3.
Item 1: this product was used before. Source: https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=34197482.

Engine oil mixed with 0W40 and 0W30 at a ratio of 4 to 1.6, using 15322km.
I have three feelings about this product:
1. Expensive, this oil is really TM expensive! Buy 2 liters of 0W30 at your own expense.
two。 The cleaning ability of this oil is really good. After a change of driving for more than a hundred kilometers, the extra 250ml is extracted and left standing for a period of time, and there is a layer of mud at the bottom of the bottle.
And think about it.ThinkSomething’s wrong.Why didn’t the machine filter get rid of these? is the Mahler machine filter used this time a fake? My Mahler machine filter is not only Tmall store, but also TB, but also the heart of the firm, now in addition to the heart of the packaging can be distinguished, the other are mixed together, can not be distinguished.

3. After the oil exceeded 8,000 kilometers, the noise became more and more obvious, especially during the long distance of the National Day, we could gradually hear “whoo ~” like the screaming sound of an aircraft engine, very “turbine”.This is not seen before, especially for the return trip, when the mileage is more than 1.2W, and the screaming sound has been accompanied by the whole return journey. I am not sure about it every time I step on the accelerator, fearing that something will go wrong. After changing the oil, the scream did not appear. I don’t know why at the moment.
This time continue to use the gold Mobil classic 0W30 + from Tmall store. I don’t know whether it is Tmall’s or TB’s Mahler machine filter.

Project 2: spark plugs use NGK from Tmall franchise store

Use 2.3W old spark plugs, also from Tmall franchise store

Item 3: check the use of 4.1W differential oil, the color of this oil made me decide without hesitation: change immediately.

Still have 2000ml Foss GL5 85W90 on hand, continue to use, 4W mileage is still no problem. Keep the rest of the 800ml as a backup.


Continue to upgrade “treatment”, SSSS to carry out the construction of projects 4 and 5. ATF and machine foot source: SSSS.

Arrived at 07:52 in the morning and was in the first row. A good day should start with giving money positively.

Enter the station at 08:25, and the result of communication with the technician is: replace the machine pin first, and then replace the ATF.

New engine bracket, commonly known as foot

Spanish goods

If you look at the words on the rubber pad carefully, the edges are blurry and the craftsmanship is general. This picture is not taken clearly.

Loose screws use tool accessories that I have never seen before.

Give me a close-up.

Accessories like “transfer bridge”. I don’t know what their name is.

Seeing the interfaces of these accessories, I thought of accessories for square hole torque wrenches.

The tools used are basically here, and all kinds of tool accessories that I have never seen and cannot be named, according to my experience of buying tools in the past few years, these rare tool accessories are expensive!

Briefly talk about your unsuccessful experience of hand rubbing.

This is needed because the damper (commonly known as shock absorber) is to be disassembled.

Here is a long sentence: shock absorption depends on the spring, the damper is to limit the spring, so that it does not release itself too much, and does not reduce the shock.

Give me a detail.

It didn’t look cheap, so I took it for granted that I wanted to rub my hands instead, but when I rubbed it, I found all kinds of problems, so I kept lowering the standard, and finally rubbed it out.

The key is the chainsaw spark plug wrench in the middle, which costs 9.9 yuan.

This square hole torque wrench is not expensive, hundreds of yuan.

But the head on it costs more than 80 yuan.

This thing costs 286 yuan, and the price is so high that it flies.

As a result, the most important thing is to spend 9.9 yuan to buy a chainsaw spark plug wrench and saw off the screwdriver welded next to it. It is said that this construction can also be completed by an ordinary open-ended wrench, and the expensive open-ended torque wrench and corresponding accessories are not used, which is very embarrassing.

The reason for thisTo put it bluntly, it is “information asymmetry”.I believe: there are good goods with good quality and low price, but I don’t know the name of these accessories, so it’s hard to replace them by hand.

Replace the engine pin

The engine foot loaded by the original factory, the rubber pad has sunk, and the idle speed has a slight wobble, so it has been changed simply.

This photo is against the light and can not be taken clearly. The words on the rubber pad on the feet of the original car are very clear, the edges are not blurred, and the craftsmanship is better than that of Spanish goods. As for whether it is made in Germany or not, the origin has not been found. Personally, I think made in Poland is more likely.

As a digression, I personally think that parts such as buffers and shock absorbers, which depend on materials and machining precision, will feel technical content in newly industrialized countries; however,In the opinion of an old industrial country like GermanyOh, it’s just a…“non-value-added products” with “no technical content”Don’t make money! There is no motivation to do it well at all.Throw it all to Eastern European countries or people like Spain to do it.
According to the experience of D.I.Y renovating the broken Opel, I personally think that the craftsmanship of Poland is better than that of Czechoslovakia and Spain. As for quality and quality control, forget about it. Is my Czech air-conditioning tube representative? Https://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=98344652, maybe.

Transmission machine foot

This gearbox bracket. ? Made in… India? India?

Oh, yeah?

This. Use it to see.

Other tools used, yes, ladders.

It takes 75 minutes to replace three pins.

The most time-consuming ATF replacement, ATF now uses 6.2W mileage, 8.75 years, package: ATF 7 liters, filter, sealing ring.

Gearbox oil discharge screw gasket, torque converter oil discharge screw (including gasket), fixed pin, have been changed.

This is made in Germany, I personally think, in terms of font craftsmanship, made in Poland is better, as for whether the Germans are not motivated to do these details, I think: yes.

Replace the oil discharge screw gasket during oil discharge

Wait for 19-20mins, wait until there is no oil drop, change the oil sump sealing ring, replace the torque converter drain screw.

Cleaning with chemical cleaning agent, using two bottles of chemical cleaning agent

It takes no less time to add ATF than to replace the pins. After adding 5L, start the engine and let the oil pump slowly pump the new oil into the torque converter. Continue to fill, each time you add a certain amount of oil dipstick to check the ATF liquid level repeatedly, and finally add 7L, the half-liter oil I brought (the rest of the last time) did not use. However, when you replaced the ATF 8.75 years ago, what happened when you added 7.5L? was it too much last time or only 7L this time? Two changes are 20 minutes of oil discharge, no oil droplets drop and then refill, how does this 0.5 liter gap arise?

It takes 2 hours from the beginning of the oil discharge to the final filling.
Why not release the oil first, do not remove the oil pan, bring back the oil release screw after putting it, replace the machine foot, and then drain the residual oil, and then remove the oil pan to replace the oil filter and so on?
SSSS said: put the oil is too clean, there will be oil can not enter the valve body, it is said to have encountered when overhauling the gearbox. I guess that to this point, there is a need for pressurized special filling equipment, and this kind of equipment is only available in the main engine factory, ordinary people rarely see the “strange” type of equipment.

Hidden dangerThe cushioning rubber cake behind the transmission shaft is aging and there are cracks.
SymptomWhen the acceleration and deceleration is slight, the acceleration and deceleration will become more and more obvious, and finally there will be a “rumble” sound, accompanied by the back of the vehicle swinging back and forth. That’s what SSSS said.

Just this thing, it’s aging and there are slight cracks, which can’t be seen in the picture, because it’s on the other side.

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