Xiaotuben’s work of replacing machine floor mats, cleaning carbon deposits and replacing gearbox gaskets

 September 4, 2024
Happy New Year, everyoneFirst of all, I would like to extend my wonderful New Year wishes to everyone! I wish you all a bright future and great future in the new year

Anyway, the total mileage of my small Tuben is close to 138,000 kilometers. After winter, the temperature in Nanning has dropped to single digits. After the cold start and the hot car, the engine vibrates, and the armrest box inside the car also felt a clear sense of resonance.

Connected to the Yuanzheng diagnostic computer I purchased last year, scanned the fault code, and there were no fault codes as I expected. There are many reasons for Mercedes-Benz engine jitter. If there is no fault code, the high probability is caused by too much carbon deposition in the intake port and intake valve; the aging and sinking of the engine pad, and the attenuation of the damping effect.

In addition, once again, in in-cylinder direct injection engines, high-pressure oil pumps inject gasoline directly into the cylinder to participate in combustion without passing through the intake manifold, so carbon deposition on the intake manifold and intake valve is inevitable.

However, using gasoline additives in small doses all year round, uninterrupted, and lifelong times can prevent a large amount of carbon deposits in the cylinder. I myself have a bottle of gasoline for every three boxes (because I am lazy)

Another is that the formation of carbon deposits is caused by incomplete combustion, mainly because gasoline does not play a cleaning role. So it is nonsense to say that high speed can remove carbon deposits

So, I made an appointment with Mercedes-Benz Fourth Ace DT Master in advance, made an appointment with a friend’s repair shop, and went to a Bao Benz home in advance to purchase two original Mercedes-Benz engine floor mats. I took advantage of the New Year’s Day holiday to replace them and use Walnut sand to clean carbon deposits.

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