Old Sagitar, after heavy rain, there was water in the floor of the driver’s side compartment, so repair it yourself.

 September 4, 2024
Suiteng in 2009, nearly 300000 kilometers, the car is in good condition and has been in use. Recently, we have been raining cats and dogs every day. As a result, one day when I was cleaning up the rubber mat on the back of the cab, I saw that the floor decoration at the back of my car was wet. I pressed it with my hands and a lot of water spilled over! Then take the cab floor mat away, heh! The floor decoration has spilled a pool of water! However, when I checked the co-driver’s side floor, I found that it was dry! That is, only drive this side of the leak. Immediately use a rag, using a dishcloth to absorb water, except for nearly 1/3 washbasins of dirty water, there is a strange smell, but also a little smelly water, it can be seen that the water has been stored for a certain period of time.
And then check the cause. Careful examination, the skylight interior decoration, the car left and right A column B column have no wet imprint (brothers remember, the window is blocked and leaking, then the skylight interior decoration has wet imprint; the four sewers of the skylight fall off, then the corresponding A column or B column will show wet imprint, this judgment method can take fewer detours); then check the door flow hole, normal unblocked. Then when it rained heavily, opened the door to check, did not find the lax leakage into the door.
Back home, turn on the computer, Baidu check. As a result, it was found that the one-side leakage of Suiteng car was not an isolated case. When I saw the articles sent by netizens, I could not find out the reason even if I went to 4S to check. Many of them were cleaned up in 4S and did not leak at that time, but it soon leaked again, especially in the case of heavy rain. In the end, Tengyou have no choice but to come to an end. I had to do a lot of research on my own, take a closer look at the manufacturer’s body maintenance and assembly drawings, and then go into the car body during the rainstorm for a few hours. But there is a lot of water on the driver’s side again. Check again. After hard work, I finally found the leak and successfully repaired it. This post can be used as a reference for Tengyou and 4S stores in need. In fact, this is caused by the design defect of the old Suiteng (I do not know whether the new Suiteng has changed or not), speechless. No more gossip, there is a picture and the truth, let’s talk about the repair process.

First open the lead cover, and then pull open the seal in this position directly. After pulling off the sealing strip, open the corner of the rain cover panel and prop it up. This is a tough plastic board, which can be stretched out with ease.

After opening the decoration board, you will find that there are a lot of leaves and rubbish inside. Remove leaves, rubbish, etc., as much as possible. Prepare a bigger plastic bag in advance to hold the rubbish. There are more.

After cleaning up, please look at the arrow in the picture. This is an electric control line into the cab, which is located in the Rain Water tray of the front glass and skylight, where Rain Water gathers from the right channel of the harness port and flows to the ground through the eyebrows of the wheels. When this position is blocked by perennial accumulation of leaves and garbage, or when Rain Water is particularly large, the water there cannot flow, so the stagnant water flows into the cab through the wire harness and sealing ring. In particular, the wire harness sealing ring has experienced a thermal expansion and cold shrinkage process, and after the aging of the sealing ring, the water leakage is intensified.
Cao Min I am a little confused, why not design this harness hole on the top of the tray, pass from the top, and then go down to its destination on which side of the harness? But the design is under the water tray? There’s installation space on it. Design flaws, right?

Tie a dishcloth around the wire harness with a long tool to clean it, and then send in and smear the transparent structural glue used for the exterior wall glass (this position is too inside, can not be touched by the rubber hose, and can not be touched by the hand). Be sure to apply it all over, but be careful not to block the outlet on the right.

The day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, there was another heavy rain for the whole day. It cleared up yesterday, go down to check the car, oh, perfect repair!
Thank you for watching!

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