[Wandering People and Vehicles] Spark plug replacement operation for 45000 kilometers

 September 4, 2024
The car is a 2018 LaVida model. The car was purchased in August 2018. After buying the car, there were basically not many cars. It was mainly used to travel to and from my hometown and work. After a year, I basically traveled about 9000 kilometers. More than 80% of these roads are run at high speeds throughout the year.
Over the years, I have been strictly referring to the maintenance manual, changing the oil and air filter once a year, but the replacement of spark plugs is an exception. The maintenance manual states that spark plugs are replaced at 30,000 kilometers, but why do we wait until 45000 kilometers to replace them? The main reason is the following points. If you have any better opinions and opinions from motorists, you can discuss them in the comment area.

The master took a look and said it could be used, but it’s not a big problem
According to the requirements of the maintenance manual, the spark plug replacement cycle is 30000 kilometers, but I did not replace it when it reached 30000 kilometers. Based on these considerations.
1: The car has always had fuel insurance since the new car, which is very good for removing carbon deposits on the spark plug. It should be said that the carbon deposits on my car should not be considered.
2: Most of the car’s mileage runs at high speeds. Although the mileage is up, the engine running time should not be long, because the average speed is high if you run at high speeds.
3: Although the mileage of the car is not up to the cycle of replacing the spark plug, the condition of the car is still normal and there is no high fuel consumption due to shaking. The fuel consumption can be as low as about 4.2 when running at high speed.

Four spark plugs, they don’t seem to have any carbon deposits, and they are relatively new.
When the car ran to 45000 kilometers to replace the spark plug, the master took it out and said that it was not a big problem and could still run around. However, after it was all taken down, I had to replace it. I took the old one back and prepared to clean it and put it away for next time.
Final summary: The number of kilometers when replacing the spark plug can only be used as a reference. It mainly depends on the working status of the engine. If there is no increase in fuel consumption, engine jitter, etc., it is recommended that you do not need to replace it.
It was my personal summary opinion in the past for reference by all riders.

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