Kill and kill in spring and summer, and happiness and health are always accompanied

 September 5, 2024
Let me first introduce my car to you. It is a small SUV born in 19 years and has traveled more than 70,000 kilometers in five years. Whether it is more or less, it is basically at the regular level of a family car, 10,000 kilometers a year.
In addition to commuting to work and traveling around the country, the rest is to go out for shopping and dining. To be honest, when you wanted to go out to eat or shop without a car in the past, you had to depend on the weather. When the weather was bad, the mood to go out became lighter. With a car, it was different. You could go out at any time, and you could go home more freely.
Every time I go to a big supermarket in the city to buy something, it’s okay if I buy ordinary snacks, rice and noodles. When I buy vegetables such as fish, shrimp, leeks, garlic and onions, a smell fills the car and won’t go away for a few days. This situation can also happen after a family has eaten hot pot or barbecue. The smell of oil and smoke is really choking, clothes can be easily changed, and seat covers cannot be washed every time, so sometimes I have to spend some time opening the window to dissipate the smell after parking the car!
Doesn’t the air conditioner filter element in the car have activated carbon to filter particles? Then I tried to turn on the internal circulation of the car air conditioner and use the filter element to absorb the smell. Unfortunately, after trying it several times, the effect was not great. Later, I had a brainwave to find a good thing for the car and use it to deodorize and sterilize. It may have a special effect.
Look at the instructions on the can body, you can spray wherever there is a taste, but I think if the requirements are high, the flavor can be completely eliminated by comprehensive killing.
The process of achieving comprehensive disinfection is very simple. It is to take the initiative of the car’s air conditioning system to suck the air in the car into the pipeline, and then circulate through the filter element and the pipeline to spread the disinfected liquid throughout the car to achieve sterilization and purification. The purpose of flavor. After understanding the working principle, the next operation idea is simple. First place the spray can in the passenger position.
Then start the car, adjust the air conditioning temperature to the lowest, the fan gear to the maximum, adjust the air outlet to head-on air, and then start the internal circulation. Here is a reminder that if the air outlet direction is accidentally switched to the front gear, it will not be opened. Internal circulation.
Then close the windows of the entire car.
The air conditioning outlets of the entire vehicle should also be checked. It is best to keep them open. If they turn them off and forget to turn them on, it will be a waste of effort.
Then walk to the ground of the passenger seat, shake the can body vigorously, open the lid of the spray can, press down hard until it gets stuck, and immediately close the door when the white aerosol is sprayed out.
Wait until the aerosol is no longer sprayed out, then let the air conditioner continue to run for about ten minutes to allow the air in the car to circulate completely and kill completely.
After the time is up, open the four doors and tailgate to allow the air in the car to circulate with the outside world, thus completing the killing operation. Although the process is simple, the effect is quite obvious. The thick smell left in the car from yesterday’s shopping has been removed., only a faint fragrance remains in the car, which feels quite useful.
The car space is still relatively small, and it is common to smell odors. When encountering sensitive people smell strange odors for a long time, it can easily cause various discomforts. In some aspects, it will also affect driving safety. Therefore, it is very necessary to keep the air inside the car clean. It is best not to smoke and eat smelly snacks in the car every day. Buy smelly dishes and things that are easy to spill, and remember to take them away and spill them in time. After all, who doesn’t like a clean and tidy car? Who wouldn’t praise a fresh and comfortable ride!

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