[A Record of Spring and Summer] April 2, 2024 Morning Exercise Record: Little Lei and Little Maintenance

 September 5, 2024
Whether it is less or more,
Feeling in place is the most important thing,
After swimming 15 times this morning,
It’s a new high this year.

The water temperature measured this morning was 20.9℃, which is the highest temperature this year. So I raised my morning exercise amount to a new height-1080 meters for 15 laps. I feel like it is still better.

After the morning exercise ended yesterday, I went home and packed myself. I only ate a steamed bun and drank some water. At 9:55, I drove Xiaolei out and went to the Sutong Auto Repair Factory located in the southern section of the First Ring Road. What are you doing? Xiaolei did maintenance in June last year, and he has traveled more than 8,200 kilometers now. Besides going to Chengdu, he basically spends all his time in the city doing dog shit around, so I arranged to go yesterday to have the maintenance done. To say it is maintenance, it actually means replacing the three filters, engine oil, and replenishing some coolant. Of course, a comprehensive inspection of the working conditions of the chassis was also carried out.

After bidding farewell to Boss Yang at 11:50, I went to the 1958 site, which is very close to the People’s Hospital, for lunch. Then I rested in the car until around 2:20. Then I walked to the People’s Hospital and went to the second floor to find the “shell” of today’s outpatient clinic. I discussed my left ankle joint problem, which had been painful for nearly a month.

After leaving the hospital after 4 o’clock, I first went to Feiyun Villa, and then went directly back to Gardening Mountain to Caiyuan Road. I exchanged Xiaolei for my Xiaokai, and took Dabao home.

In the evening, I drank two taels of soy sauce as usual, then walked the net to learn encyclopedia knowledge and went to bed at 10:30. I fell asleep until 5:59 this morning, and finally opened my eyes with difficulty.

I got up at 6:43 and came to the swimming pool at 7:12. After warming up and measuring the temperature, I jumped into the water. I used a 14-lap freestyle, half breaststroke, and half butterfly for a total of 15 laps of 1080 meters, plus a 20-meter breaststroke. The 20-meter butterfly stroke and two jumpers completed today’s morning exercise.

April 2, the 24th day of the second month of the lunar calendar, Tuesday. The measured temperature is 18.1℃, the water temperature is 20.9℃, and it is sunny. After completing the movements in the water, he went ashore to the locker room to take a bath and brush his teeth and pat eight nests. He then returned to the pool to pat his feet. He spent a leisurely time with his swimmers until 8:59 before pacing home.

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