Idle speed is unstable. The problem is solved after replacing the tensioner wheel and crankshaft teeth. The ideas are for reference by riders!

 September 5, 2024
A few days ago, the Sail broke down and smoke came from the belt conveyor. When I opened it, I found that the belt was seriously worn, and the specific content has been published. Now we will sort out the entire process and the solutions to the problems that arise for reference by riders.

1. After dragging the car home, I found that the crankshaft pulley had fallen off. I tightened it several times myself, but it couldn’t be tightened no matter how hard it was. I had no choice but to tow it to the repair shop.

2. After dragging it back to the repair shop, it was found that the belt motor tensioner bearing was damaged. It was replaced with a black repair shop with a man-hour fee of 220 yuan. After replacing it, the pulley was stopped with a wind cannon and charged 30 yuan. It was found that the idle speed was unstable, hovering between 900 and 1400 yuan. If something happened, it would be 2000 yuan.

Damaged tensioner wheel
3. Decisively drove the car away and found a way to solve it. I cleaned the throttle and idle motor myself, but there was no solution. Collect posts online, determine that the problem lies with the throttle position sensor and crankshaft sensor, and check that the plug and thread thread are not damaged. I ordered accessories online and replaced them myself, but the problem has not been resolved
4. A driver suggested that it might be a displacement of the crankshaft sensor position. Check and see that the gap has become larger. Visually, the distance is more than two 2 mm.
5. I consulted a friend from the assistant factory and checked that it should not be a sensor displacement because the bracket had not changed. It is estimated that the pulley has changed. It is recommended to remove the pulley again for inspection. I confirmed with me that there was no unstable idling problem before the anchor broke down. It was determined that the fault was near the pulley. I was unwilling to remove the pulley because I was afraid of trouble. Now that I feel that it makes sense, I let him remove it. It is relatively easy to remove the wind cannon.
6. After removing it for a look, it was discovered that the inner key of the crankshaft teeth was broken, causing changes in position and ignition time, resulting in unstable idle speed.
7. A certain treasure ordered a Youshi crankshaft tooth at a price of 30. Because it was necessary to remove it, he ordered a thermostat. The thermostat was broken before and there was no water temperature during a long journey in winter. This time, he replaced it together.
8. After the pieces came back, a friend from the repair shop made a lot of trouble and removed the timing belt before regretting that he had not bought a new belt to return it with it. After inspection, he found that the quality of the belt was good and there was no need to replace it for the time being. The whole process takes about an hour, and my friend charges 50 yuan for working hours. Isn’t it interesting!

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