The company’s newly purchased Buick GL8 will be the first guarantee

 September 5, 2024
The company bought a new Buick GL8 for the first insurance, because we went to the 4S store for free for the first insurance. However, in the future, we still have a discount downstairs at the Aika Hubei Branch Club. Now we are doing an event to maintain the winning brand all-synthetic engine oil for 270 yuan. A 4S store in Buick is on Chuangye Street. I sponsored the Hubranch annual meeting in 2014. I only went to the conference room, but I never went around. It was just time to stroll around for maintenance. I found that it was not small enough and prepared to discuss cooperation next time.
Driving to Xiaojun Mountain to move bricks, I found a newly opened earthen pot stove. Back in the past, there were big pots of vegetables, firewood tongs, and light lard. I remembered the bitterness and sweetness. Now is the crossroads of the national movement. Whether to move forward or backward, the international situation is not optimistic, and the COVID-19 epidemic has been delayed.

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