Lao Zhijun’s tire replacement operation is 130,000 kilometers old!

 September 5, 2024
Come, dive in the forum for so long, after many days, finally post again. But this time it’s not about the new car, it’s about the old car at home. The car is not a good car either. in 2008, the manual Santana Zhijun ran more than 130000 kilometers. There was nothing wrong with the engine gearbox, and it was easy to give fuel, and it was even more fun to overtake in third or fourth gear.
As for me, I graduated from college for a year and a half, and I have been holding a driver’s license for four or five years. I wanted to buy a better car for my family, but I didn’t ask for it. The main reason is that I just graduated from college and went to work, so it’s not suitable to drive such a good car. In addition, I want to buy a car on my own. I have more than 20 people anyway. I don’t feel good when I ask my family for money to buy big things.
All right, back to the point, this car is a new car that my father bought that year, and this year my father bought another automatic block polo, so he gave it to me. I think it will help me for another two years, just in time to buy a new car when I get married. So, now we have to give it a good health care. When I first got it, the whole car had already been changed, and the fragile parts such as spark plugs and brake pads had also been changed, so there was no problem with the power. This time I changed the tires of the whole car while I had time.

I went there early in the morning, and there was no one in the store. When I got there, all the guys came to wait on my car.

Back butt, now it looks like it’s not out of date. Don’t forget, it was designed more than ten years ago.

This is today’s protagonist, Michelin Bengyue XM2+, nicknamed “Little Mill King”. I don’t know much about cars, so I can only choose tires and sell them now. Douyin Weibo Zhihu, I turned a lot of posts. Anyway, these are the only major brands that come and go. Choose a big brand that has a good food rating as well as a tire-Michelin. See this XM2+ on Douyin is very high, said that the wear resistance is very strong, more suitable for my Santana, there seems to be a “Little King of Mills” title, the review is also good, on it.

After observing the original factory-sized tires for a long time, it is found that there are not many 60-square-ratio cars now.
PS:60 refers to the flat ratio of the tire, that is, the ratio of the tire wall to the width of the tire. Obviously, the larger the flat ratio, the higher the comfort.

First remove one side of the tire, so it looks like this car has no sense of age at all.

The non-standard left back 45 degrees is still very beautiful.

Just changed the car film for less than a year, ready to tear off the main and passenger window, looking at the mirror is too awkward, especially driving at night.

The pattern of the old tire is almost worn out, and now it looks shocking.

Wander around the construction kung fu store, do not see do not know, Michelin’s product variety is really many ah.

So, will people set up members in this kind of store outside? Or choose a 4S store?

The little brother in the shop is doing dynamic balance, professional things for professional people to do with professional tools, I do not believe that those small roadside shops, spend more money to this kind of big store at least feel at ease.

The two rear wheels are verified!

The little brother is loading the rear wheel tires.
The old tire looks so dangerous. The old tire was changed by my father at that time, it is Hantai’s smart series, how to evaluate this set of tire, in my father’s words, it is a Korean man-made car in general, and the tire is also very general! At that time, this set of tyres was chosen by my father’s friend, and he did not do meticulous homework himself, thinking that the tires were all the same. as a result, this set of Hantai tyres were punctured on the road for a month, and then they were punctured three or four times one after another, and their rigidity and toughness were really poor. There is also the wear resistance that I have to say. Look at the picture and guess how many kilometers this tire has run in a few years. Running 40,000 kilometers in more than three years is like this. You said that even if it was more than 50,000 kilometers in three years, I could accept it. Audi of my friend, Michelin Haoyue of the original factory, had run 80,000 kilometers for six years, and now it hasn’t been changed. It’s not aging. There’s no problem at all. It’s still running. This is the attitude of different brands of products.

Three classic steering wheels.

Mechanical instrument! 135000 kilometers, hard work without complaint.

Classic manual fifth gear and beige interior.

The installation is complete.

The effect of getting on the bus was so energetic that it immediately became several years younger.

For a close-up photo, this aluminum ring doesn’t look out of date at all.
It has been more than two months since I changed the tire. During this period, I used a lot of cars and ran more than 5000 kilometers. Let’s sum up below:
1: the mute performance is improved obviously. The old set of Han Tai that my father changed, the tire was so noisy that two people had to speak in a loud voice on the highway. After the “Little Mill King” is changed, the tire noise can hardly be felt. It is possible that the engine noise is obviously louder than the tire noise, but Santana’s engine sound is actually not very loud, and the sharp reduction of tire noise is comfortable, which is highly praised.
2: comfort has also been improved. Anyone who has driven Zhijun knows that Zhijun’s shock absorption is not very good. After changing into this tire, I feel softer. I don’t know how much tire pressure the store gave me (in the normal value). Anyway, I feel a little more comfortable than before. And the XM2+ is produced by multi-valve technology, what are the benefits of multi-valves? compared with the common eight valves on the market, tires will be more round, more round tires will be very comfortable to run, and even in most cases you don’t have to do dynamic balance.
3: the grip is absolutely high. I don’t know if you have any impression that the asphalt pavement after the rain is very slippery as if sprinkled with oil. In the past, I didn’t dare to drive fast after it rained, and I had a feeling of skidding when I put on the brakes. After replacing the “Xiaomo King”, this feeling has been reduced a lot, giving people the feeling of being very down-to-earth, and the grip is really strong, not to mention the dry road surface. It is really unexpected that a tire featuring wear resistance can still have such a strong grip.
4: The wear resistance and toughness are unexpected. At the end of the New Year, my father’s construction site was quite busy, so I often went to help when I had time. Everyone knows the construction site. There were sharp objects everywhere, and the sidewalls were pushed by protruding steel bars, but the “Little Mill King” was carried down. I have been to the construction site more than ten times before and after, but there was no tire damage. It seems that the polyamide material in the tires played a role. By the way, this is also the same material as body armor. The intensity of more than 5000 kilometers in two months is still quite high, but the wear degree of the tires is very low, almost zero wear, and the hair is clearly visible. According to this wear-resistant degree, there is no problem running 80,000 kilometers. The most important thing is that after experiencing it like this, the 14-16-inch XM2 + is really cost-effective for most family cars. High, taking into account all aspects, but also has its own unique advantages.
Okay, after so much conversation, the code is purely handmade, and the picture was taken on my mobile phone. Everyone will just watch and ask for encouragement and support. If you have any questions, let’s see you in the comment section!

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