Lao Eighth 2.5 Upgrade 3400 Engine Chapter 2: Removing the periphery, removing the water tank, air conditioning pump to generate electricity

 September 6, 2024
It took a lot of effort to dismantle the generator last time, but there was actually a screw behind the generator that couldn’t be seen. I bought a tension rope this time and took it off easily

After removing the two iron forks on the front water tank frame, the entire engine leaned back against the firewall, and the rope needed to be tightened

Remove the fuse box and wiring harness

electronic fan

Transmission oil radiator pipe connection on water tank

Remove the water tank to make room for hanging the engine

Carry the battery home and charge it

Research and transform it

exhaust manifold

air-conditioning compressor

The one above is the crankshaft sensor plug

Three screws of the compressor are fixed together with the hanger

Starter wiring harness, engine transmission wiring

The generator is finally down

The screw of the generator holder must be removed before the generator can be removed

exhaust pipe

The three links that were previously changed

Front oxygen sensor, air conditioning elbow not added

Steering pump oil pipe

egr waste valve

I have been chasing dramas and watching old cars these past two days


melancholy man

Found it when changing the electric door, this position

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