Bumblebee! Replace the air conditioning filter element yourself

 September 6, 2024

Although it has been updated several times one after another, it does not include a method to replace the air conditioning filter element (that is, the air conditioning compartment). Let’s open a special post here to explain it:

Although the title is called being kind to the bumblebee, in fact, for the matter of air-conditioning compartments, it should be for all riders to treat themselves well, because the air filtered by the air-conditioning compartments is in direct contact with people. If it is not replaced for a long time, it will be very dirty… It is always bad for your health. Not only does it not achieve the purpose of filtering the dirty air from the outside world, it also harms you.

The following is a picture to illustrate the operation method. It is very simple. When replacing the filter element, my car traveled 7,000 kilometers. You can compare and see how dirty it is:

First open the cover, find this position, and lift up the rubber strip. The air conditioning compartment is below here:

Pay attention to how many screws are present. First pull out the plastic round nail in the middle, and then pull out the entire buckle! Pull out all these grains one after another!
Then open this lid!! You can see the filter element inside!!
Then on top of this filter element, there is a cover to open, which is also easy to open. Lift up the two small buckles on the left and right in front of the filter element to lift the cover:

You can see the edge of the filter element, with a circle of sponge on the edge.

Pull out the filter element first! Look how dirty it is!
After pulling it out, I saw the air conditioning fan inside:
The inside is relatively clean:
Take a closer look at how dirty the 7,000-kilometer air conditioning compartment is! It was covered with black stains:
Take out a new one and compare it, which is shocking!
Isn’t the new one very white?

Here’s why I didn’t use the original filter element-because it was cheap! This thing with no technological content can be used by the subsidiary factory without spending money. I bought this in Jingdong.

Of course, the higher-end air conditioning compartments are equipped with activated carbon (it’s not so white, and the top is black), but the ones with activated carbon are more expensive. You can find them yourself if you need them. At least I didn’t directly find the air conditioning compartments with activated carbon of the exact same size used by Camaro. You can let me know if you find them. But in fact, it doesn’t matter, as long as you change frequently, it’s better than anything!

Do you understand or confuse when you see this direction?

It was obviously upside down when I opened it in front of me! But why the opposite? Think about it carefully, it was 4800 kilometers away. When I went to the 4S for maintenance, the 4S once took this air conditioner out to blow (it was not dirty enough to be replaced at that time), but later I put it back and installed it upside down!! What level!!

The correct installation method is to install it along the air and point the arrow inward, but the arrow is on the bottom side, so the arrow will not be visible after installing it. But it can be seen that the circle of the sponge should be inward so that it can be sealed well.

In the same way, close the lid and put it back:
Here’s a place to pay attention to, align the rubber ring to make sure the cover matches the windshield to avoid leaks! Anyway, after installation, the holes of the screws can be aligned.
Okay, it’s as simple as that. As long as you have a one-word screwdriver, you can do it yourself at any time!

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