At present, the word “epidemic” must be protected for our cars.

 September 6, 2024
It seems that something big happens every winter, just like “a fire in winter” in the lyrics, and then the Daxing ‘anling is on fire! The sudden anti-crown battle without smoke last year has now become a norm, and the final victory will eventually come! When traveling daily, we must not only pay attention to our own protection, but also provide all-round protection for exploring mountains to ensure that everything is safe.
First of all, from the perspective of driving habits, after the car is warmed up, we should turn on Tanyue’s internal circulation mode to try to avoid the exchange of external air and the space inside the car, and prevent viruses from entering the car through circulation.
Disinfect the interior space of the car every day. Be careful not to use 84 disinfectant, which will seriously corrode the interior decoration. It is recommended to use 75% alcohol to kill, spray or damp a rag to wipe the interior, and carefully inspect the main contact locations. Kill, try to avoid outsiders and strangers during the epidemic period, and use it after disinfection.

Kill frequently contacted handles

Steering wheel killing

The contact position of the seat back is killed
The car is equipped with hand-free disinfectant. The first thing to do when getting on the bus is to kill the hands to avoid bringing external viruses into the car and creating an infected environment.
If qualified riders can equip disposable gloves in their cars, the first thing they do when getting on the bus is to wear gloves. This is more troublesome and hot while driving, but it is also one of the effective ways to block the spread of the virus.

These are table gloves used when eating prawns

medical gloves
The last and most important thing is to wear a disposable medical surgical mask. Although the N95 mask has the best protective effect, the price is relatively expensive, and it will be suffocated in the enclosed environment of the car. It is recommended to use a disposable surgical mask. You can achieve the protective effect.
In extraordinary times, riders should take good precautions and hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible so that we can take off our masks and run in the sun to our heart’s content.

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