Ailang’s fourth fine grain maintenance

 September 6, 2024
As the saying goes, if you want to use a car safely and comfortably, you must pay attention to regular maintenance. In the blink of an eye, you have already driven 9000 kilometers. Because the Mobil Black Diamond all-synthetic engine oil is used for the next time, think about it, it will take 10 months. There are not many people to maintain it after the New Year. Just make an appointment online to save time and convenience.
Maintenance items:
Mobil Black Diamond All Synthetic Engine Oil.
oil drain bolt
air conditioning filter
oil filter
fuel filter
oil lubricant
Front shock-absorbing top rubber sleeve

Online appointment is direct and convenient

The advantage of making an appointment in advance is to drive it to the door of the 4S store and drive it directly to the station.
I haven’t wiped it for a while, and I don’t dare to look directly at it anymore. Fortunately, I caught up in time for maintenance and it will be clean in a while.

Wash it first, and then you can start…

Original maintenance materials received after consultation with the maintenance consultant

This Mobil black rig oil is the highlight of every maintenance and the best refined food for easy digestion.

It is a new oil drain bolt. I heard that it must be replaced every time to prevent leakage.

The new air conditioning filter element is not cheap in the mall, but it still smells very fragrant when it can filter PM2.5.

The original oil filter element, disclosed in advance, has changed its color and is no longer black as before.

Oil lubrication system cleaning and maintenance kit effectively protects the engine. It seems that I use it every time I maintain it. Is it necessary?

Original accessories.

Original accessories.

I didn’t know about the front shock-absorbing top rubber sleeve before. Fortunately, when I came for maintenance, the master found that the gap was too large and suggested replacing it. He also said that it was free during the warranty period, so replace it.

This is the pair.

This pair is old.

Replace the top rubber sleeve.

Strengthen bolts.

There are two bottles of oil lubricant in total, one bottle is added before maintenance, and the engine runs for 5 minutes after ignition. Then drain it off with the old engine oil.

Put it on the shelves and put in the oil. It has been 9000 kilometers and it has turned black.

Old oil filter, see? Black.

The new oil filter is no longer black.

Install the engine guard. Fill up the tires and fill up the air.

Replace the gasoline filter.

Add the fine grain-black brick all-synthetic engine oil. You can also gallop around the southeast, northwest and northwest at will.

Running the engine, because the gasoline filter was replaced, the oil was sufficient at first and it took several times to ignite the engine. The master said that it was like this the first time and it became normal in the future.
Check for fault codes.
After more than an hour of careful maintenance, my Ailang is energetic again and driving safer.
Wash and drive home…

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