[Maintenance record of 610,000 kilometers high]

 September 6, 2024

This is a post posted from the last maintenance of 100,000 kilometers. It has been a year and four months since the last maintenance.

Kilometers last maintained

The number of kilometers maintained this time is 27 kilometers short of running a full 10,000 kilometers.

Before maintenance, the engine oil was cooled to the lower limit of two pits. Last maintenance, the engine oil was cooled to the upper limit of four pits. This is the consumption of running 10,000 kilometers, and it has been like this since 60,000 kilometers.

Test the oil that had traveled 10,000 kilometers and left standing for 14 hours.

For this maintenance project, engine oil, machine filter, air filter, and air filter are Sofima’s factory loading parts. The workmanship is better than the MAN brand bought in the world, and the packaging is not the original package! Because this air filter is removed from the air filter assembly!

I still use pumping oil, but it is more than pumping oil. Without explanation, it will be convenient to maintain it yourself!

The air filter was replaced in the gap between oil pumping. This was a MAN filter element that used 20,000 kilometers. At 15,000, the cotton sleeve was removed and another 5,000 kilometers were run.

Comparison between old and new

Although the loading parts manufactured by Sofima were produced 10 years ago, the workmanship is good. This air filter is older than my car!

The man brand that was removed was from 1915 and was in stock before.

The above is a MAN brand bought by Jingdong, with loose filter paper. Compared with the Sofima loading parts below, the workmanship is slightly worse.

On the other side, it seems that all MAN filter elements are like this.

Internal comparison

Put the new one on.

Tighten the lid properly

The filter was replaced, but the filter element had been loosened and no oil spilled.

Remove the machine filter and it is very clean inside! Wipe the outer ring clean, not the inside!

machine filter comparison

They are all machine filters purchased by JD. com, and this time the new font on the left is light.

The font color is obviously light

However, the anti-counterfeiting check showed that the product was authentic, and the weight could not be compared because the old one contained engine oil.

Just tighten it with your bare hands!

This oil pump is not bad. I have used it many times and pumped all kinds of oil. Unfortunately, there is no one for sale!

The oil port is still clean

Oil cap has no emulsion

Draw out 2.84 liters of old oil, add 3.5 liters last time, subtract the oil in the machine filter, and consume about 550 milliliters for 10,000 kilometers!

This time I added about 3.4 liters, and I didn’t drive to see that the oil dipstick was just up to the upper limit.

Turn off the car and look again. Below the center line, the filter of the new machine is full of engine oil. Wait until the engine oil settles down and then look again.

The oil level of the cool car is 9 pits away from the upper limit

Maintenance completed! The oil has always been changed every 10,000 kilometers. In recent years, it has been driving less, but it only reached 10,000 kilometers after running for more than a year. The oil has always been used 0W-40. The first tens of thousands of kilometers was used by Castrol and later replaced by Mobil. The air filter has always been changed every 20,000 kilometers. Once it took 30,000 kilometers to replace it. The machine filter has always been used every 20,000 kilometers. The local tyrants, don’t follow me, only change things when they are used to the limit!

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