On what makes Volvo brakes different

 September 8, 2024
My 90 is exactly 30,000 kilometers away. Recently, I went to the 4s to get the third guarantee. The master reminded me that the front and rear brake pads should be replaced and basically I can’t drive them anymore. Speaking of this, if it weren’t for Volvo car owners, they might ask, have brake pads been replaced after 3000 kilometers? It’s too soon. In fact, this is not the case. The fastest among our motoring club riders is to let them change brake pads in 4s during the first insurance period.
1. Is there something fishy about replacing brake pads so quickly?
Some friends see that brake pads have been replaced for twenty to thirty thousand kilometers, and they will definitely think that 4s is a trap. They asked us to replace them in advance. They could have continued to use them. Some people will say that the Internet says Volvo is a pit and that the original brake pads are faster than those of other vehicles. I think both views are correct. First, 4s usually suggest replacing them in advance. You have to be sure of this. The best way is to go and see it yourself during the inspection. This can be judged, leaving only three or four millimeters. You can replace it. Second, Volvo is indeed faster than other cars. My last Buick took fifty to 60,000 kilometers to replace the brake pads. Why? I will say next.
2. How does this brake feel to use?
Why are Volvo’s original brake pads used so quickly? I looked after they were removed. The front brakes are made in Romania and the rear brakes are made in Italy. After consulting with Baidu, it was found that Volvo’s original brake pads use ceramic brake pads. Although the consumption is faster, the braking effect is very good. I also have experience of this when driving myself.
3. Careful and regular inspections are still necessary
After this inspection, I also need to remind everyone that it is necessary to replace the brake pads properly in advance, because there are two brake pads on each wheel. Before you take them apart, you can basically judge the thickness by seeing one outside, but the wear of each piece is uneven, get it.

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